So how was your day?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Mine was going fine; footered around clearing up, tidying out cupboards, potted up some plants, then decided this evening to make up some of the jar candles for a friend who overwinters in a hut.

Dead easy, so long as you get the right wick, and I did :D made in England stuff, and not expensive and very reliable :approve:

A christmas chocolates sized tin of scrap wax makes about three coffee jar sized candles when the wax is melted down.

Anyway, batch one was a success :), batch two was cooling down and the third potfull was melting down on the cooker, and I added all the little tiny crumbly bits. That pot was a little too full but, ach, it was fine.....until in my wisdom I decided I'd maybe better pour it into the jars someplace safer than the top of a hot cooker. :rolleyes:
Did it in the sink, didn't I ?
and the jar slipped
and I had in an instant a fountain of hot red wax splashing over everything :sigh:

Thing was, I hadn't thought this one through, had I ? :eek:
I hadnae put the bung in :sigh:

HWMBLT looked at me, looked at the mess......and really he was terribly polite about it :eek: :eek: :D

We only had to empty the entire undersink cupboard to get the shelf out. Then unscrew the ubend trap thingie, and extract the wax, praying the whole time that it hadn't gone past the ubend, and then put it all back together again. Took an hour :sigh:
and you should've seen the mess of the sink:yikes:

I've had enough for tonight. I know I'll be finding wee flakes of wax for days.

I'm away to put the kettle on.

So, how was your day ?



M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
So far today has been pretty good. Church with my daughter and grandkids this morning. Taking the oldest grandson to a hockey camp this afternoon (2 hours on the ice with instruction from our local pro team and an autograph session afterwards)

But tomorrow i have a funeral to attend. My ex GF (we were actually engaged at one point but broke it off)

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Good ... 8000 words of latest book typed up

But ... I now have to furtle the new 8K into the existing 23K and reduce the whole lot down to 25K which is all the publisher is allowing me for this book, and all to do by midwinter when he dior needs it ... :aargh4:

Good ... I finished John's Monmouth Cap and I like it - sounds like John does too so that's extra-good

Overall rating - a 4/5 day :)

I too am away to put the kettle on (I love that Scottish way of saying it)


Oct 19, 2008
South Coast
Seems an awful performance that Toddy. I would have stuffed a long wick down the plug 'ole and had a candlesink that burned for 3 weeks...:lmao:

Today was warm (11+ cel: at 10.30am) and sunny and I had all the hatches open on the boat and even let the stove go out. A promise of Spring perhaps, but later the rains came just to let me know that the Holly King is not ready to surrender just yet..:)


Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
A great day :) walked the dog along the coast path, car boot on the way home, pub lunch with the wife and a couple of beers, home to chill infront of the TV and a bit of supper.........and it's nearly christmas :) ....happy days :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
Not bad today but last Thursday a wheel bearing went on the van (fortunately just round the corner from home) and I've got it booked in for repairs at the closest garage in the morning.
Not really looking forward to the very slow drive round there at daft O Clock in the morning.
Good job the place is only about a quarter of a mile away.


Full Member
Mar 28, 2011
I had a great day, made arrows and walked the dog 3 times. I saw birds of prey, and I am now sad that I must go to school tomorrow and face chemistry, and maths, and other horrors. But not for long! Just one more week and I will have 2 weeks of bushcraft all to myself:)


Apr 7, 2012
Castleford, West Yorkshire
Good day today until swmbo hit me with a dilemma. About 10 minutes ago she decided she wanted some dinner plate sized pieces of log, about an inch thick. She needs them this week :eek:. "where do I get them from, those slices of log" she asked.
I told her that I could cut down one of the stumps I have in the shed, but I might need to get a bigger saw.
She has agreed to me getting a bigger saw.

The thing is, I'm already in the bad books for spending, but she encourages me. At one point I'd spent about £70 on tins, containers and high temp silicones and adhesives trying to build a mini Kelly kettle.
"I don't know why you didn't just bloody buy a proper one" she told me. But the following day when a storm f1 arrived, apparently she didn't mean for me to actually buy one, she wasn't best pleased. :(

Anyway back to the saw. Her idea of a bigger saw is

My idea of a bigger saw is something considerably louder. It just so happens this one is ready to collect tomorrow.

I may be in a wee bit of bother by tomorrow night.

touched by nature


Dec 15, 2005
Not good M, there's always tomorrow though :)

I woke up nice and toasty in my hammock in a quiet woodland, had a lie in until 10 and then sauntered down to the communal area, chilled out with the lads until around 3 and then headed home. Had a chinese take away and watched a movie, just about to iron a shirt for work and then I'm off to bed.


Jun 5, 2010
Wellingborough, Northants
Went to change my car wheel after spotting I had a flat. Then discovered that the last time I had tyres fitted someone switched all of my alloy locking nuts and replaced them with a cheap carp ones. I hadn't noticed. Anyhow the head sheers off and I have now had to buy new locking nuts and have to pay a garage to remove the nuts on every wheel.

...I am taking up a criminal complaint with the tyre depot now.


Full Member
May 31, 2008
Pretty crappy here. Have spent all day typing up evidence for my teaching folder - it's my final observation tomorrow. So, tomorrow will either be far better or far worse! One thing's for sure though, i WILL have a beer either way :)

Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
Had a saunter down the woods and along the river,took note of a ringed Dipper that would've been done by a mate, then took down blinds and curtains and put them back up in the new house for one of my daughters.Yesterday had most of the large stuff moved.
Now suitably half cut listening to everything from Sidney Devine to Dead Kennedys....

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
My day is fairly standard ...
Sewing machine in need of a thorough servicing
Van in the garage so I have to get the Mrs to run me into work and pick me up
Short staffed and overworked at work
Bank balance evaporating (mainly thanks to the van needing constant attention!)
Too many chores at home waiting to be done (shelved due to time spent in Panto rehearsals and performances)
No time or weather to enjoy TGO
A dose of the winter gut bug that is going around
A busted filling and resulting gum infection which may result in losing a vital chewing tooth if the repair cannot take the strain
Christmas looming
Aye - pretty standard realy!
Nearly forgot - the bridge on my way to work/garage/shops is busted and will be closed for the next few months with a reulting 50% increase in travel time to work (150% to the garage where my van is being repaired)
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.