

Jun 6, 2010
Ok here a random thread!
I usualy get up around 5.30 I don't need to as I don't leave for work till 8 but I love having a few hours to myself and like to take the dogs out, with one thing and another recently I missed out on a fair bit of sleep on a few different occasions and It seems to of thrown me out and I just can't seem to get back to normal.
just wondering what time other people arise and if anyone has ant tips as to getting my body clock back to normal


Full Member
Jun 10, 2008
Ex Leeds, now Killala
I normally get up at 5.30am and walk the dog as well. Then have my breakfast whilst on the Xbox for half an hour, get ready for work and leave about 7.30am. I'm in bed at 9/10ish though, and shattered any later.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Wherever I sleep, home or the woods, Winter or Summer, I get up at dawn. I can go for months at a time with six and a half hours sleep and stay alert and feeling healthy. Sometimes due to medical stuff I have to disrupt this pattern and sleep later, and it really doesn't suit me at all; if I get up at 7am in the Summer it feels like lunchtime and throws my body clock all over the place and the only way I've ever found to re-set it is to stay up
over one night and then go to bed at my normal time the next, when I'm really knackered - works every time for me :)


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
..... the only way I've ever found to re-set it is to stay up
over one night and then go to bed at my normal time the next, when I'm really knackered - works every time for me :)

I used to use this method also when I was younger and it worked pretty well for me back then.


Jun 6, 2010
Wherever I sleep, home or the woods, Winter or Summer, I get up at dawn. I can go for months at a time with six and a half hours sleep and stay alert and feeling healthy. Sometimes due to medical stuff I have to disrupt this pattern and sleep later, and it really doesn't suit me at all; if I get up at 7am in the Summer it feels like lunchtime and throws my body clock all over the place and the only way I've ever found to re-set it is to stay up
over one night and then go to bed at my normal time the next, when I'm really knackered - works every time for me :)
That's interesting chap, I can't decide if I need more sleep, a couple of weeks ago I didn't go to sleep 3 nights in a row and yet Sunday morning I was up at 4 with the sun and the birds singing,


Apr 6, 2014
Ohio, USA
I am up about 6 am every day. I make the coffee then it it is out to the porch with a cup of coffee, and the dog.
This is my time, it is understood that there is a donot disturb sign up unless it is an emergency.
This is when I light my first pipe of the day, watch the dog play in the yard, and sip the necter of the gods.
I use this time to pray for the health and wellbeing of my friends both the ones I know and the ones I have met on the forums. Then I take some time to meditate and just watch nature, life is pretty much good after that.


Jun 6, 2010
What, no sleep at all ?
It was down to a short term health issue but the two nights not a wink and the third night I did all in my powers to try and get a nights kip, I fell to sleep about ten then woke up and lay there a minute wondering what time it would be, had a look and it was 11.30! Gutted so had another night sat on the sofa, a very long 3 days.
my body generally does quite well missing sleep.
when my daughter was born my missis went In to labour just after midnight and had her and hour past the following midnight and they discharged us at 5 that morning so no sleep for 2 nights and then the fun started with her waking every two hours!

The Cumbrian

Full Member
Nov 10, 2007
The Rainy Side of the Lakes.
When I was a first and second year apprentice, I'd be yawning all day after dragging my **** out of bed for 05.45 to catch the bus. The old guys that I worked with (who, with hindsight, were about the age that I am now.....) used to say that I'd be up before the alarm clock every day by the time that I'd completed my apprenticeship.

Twenty five years later I'm still hitting snooze and praying for a lottery win so that I don't have to get up at stupid o'clock every day.

Cheers, Michael.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
due stick to getting up at dawn in the darker months or adjust it accordingly mate

All year round, it's about the same; in the really short dark days of Dec/Jan I sometimes have to rise early for unavoidable appointments and suchlike, but I keep these to a minimum. I'm retired now so I can afford to live like this, but it wasn't always so. I had many years of getting up at 05.30 in the Winter but never felt well doing it.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Some interesting things coming up here. Personally I've never slept much, tend to drop off around midnight and wake up around 4AM. Have been this way since a kid and used to worry my folks. But I always just kept myself interested by reading or playing. It was great when I had dogs as like in the OP it meant I could spend extra time out on walkies. Was also useful for work as I could get extra time in. Has annoyed partners in the past as especially on holiday and the likes they wanted me to have a lie in with them. Not really my bag, preferred to do something and I find it very difficult to just lie there. Can read for a while but eventually get a sore back if I lie too long.
I reckon I've had a few years "extra" living by not spending it with my eyes shut, I just feel like I'm missing out by sleeping my life away.


Mar 7, 2014
Somerset, England
Try being absolutely regular in the time you go to bed and get up, eventually with any luck your internal clock will get the message. It's reckoned that sitting in front of a screen or using a tablet shortly before trying to sleep can cause problems.

I'm a natural owl, but after doing a lot of long distance yachting I ended up being able to sleep pretty much any time. I need a fair bit of sleep but it doesn't seem to matter what time of day I get it or if it comes in several chunks.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I wake at about 6.30 and go bed between 11 and 12. I have to restrict my coffee intake to two cups of instant before mid day, otherwise my sleep is disrupted. I figure some people are more sensitive to caffiene than others.


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