Sharing the wealth


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Recently we had new neighbors move in a few doors down, last week he saw me after a trip out shooting so offered him a bag of woodpigeon breasts, and a rabbit. He thanked me kindly and looked over the moon. He's from somewhere where apparently it wasn't the norm to know your neighbors, and to me that just isn't right. Unbeknown to me he is in fact a keen fisherman and dropped these beasties at my door! A full stone of live crab

I urge you all if you shoot, fish, forage or cook. Go give your neighbors a knock, you get to know them better and never know your kindness might just be rewarded


Oct 26, 2008
Karma in action, gotta love it. :D
A few years back we stopped to help a woman who had got her boat and trailer stuck, the nearside wheel on the trailer had ended up in a ditch. Using the camper van's jack and some wood we got her free and on her way. Two days later I had been attempting fishing and a fella walked up to ask how my luck was going. I told him I was just trying to get back into it and had no bites as yet and he wished me well and went on his way. 15 minutes later he came by with a bag of "surplus" mackerel he had caught that afternoon at the end of the sea loch I was dabbling in. They tasted as good or better than if I caught them :D
Oh! I'd swap pigeon breasts and rabbit, as much as I enjoy them, for some fresh of the gods is crab. ;)



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Beautiful stuff crab, my favourite recipe, boil it and salted water and eat it! He's even kindly offered to take me out on the boat for a day and I'm looking forward to that! So in return offered him a days shooting clays.

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Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
I've never been a successful moose/deer/bear/elk/etc big game hunter. Birds, yes.
A few go west to Haida Gwaii for halibut and other fish.
I hunt with my cheque-book = a side of 2yr old bison each autumn.
Then, I trade for all the other things.

The bison rancher has big fields of oats & peas which are devastated by the autumn migrant Canada geese.
On his land, I can blast geese like it's going out of style and I share those with him.

mick91 is so right: when you get the chance to share, do it.


Oct 26, 2008
Beautiful stuff crab, my favourite recipe, boil it and salted water and eat it! He's even kindly offered to take me out on the boat for a day and I'm looking forward to that! So in return offered him a days shooting clays.

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That's how friendships are sealed :)
My Suzy knows that the key to both my heart and being quiet is a fresh crab to tuck into..... I generally pick through what she leaves for the missed bits....she is not so meticulous as me :lmao:



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
I've never been a successful moose/deer/bear/elk/etc big game hunter. Birds, yes.
A few go west to Haida Gwaii for halibut and other fish.
I hunt with my cheque-book = a side of 2yr old bison each autumn.
Then, I trade for all the other things.

The bison rancher has big fields of oats & peas which are devastated by the autumn migrant Canada geese.
On his land, I can blast geese like it's going out of style and I share those with him.

mick91 is so right: when you get the chance to share, do it.
I'm more for birds too on the fact I no longer own rifles. But that's what I mean with the sharing. I'm guessing plenty of people here have something that someone else would appreciate going spare. Be it a brace of game or a jar of jam. And home made is always better!
That's how friendships are sealed :)
My Suzy knows that the key to both my heart and being quiet is a fresh crab to tuck into..... I generally pick through what she leaves for the missed bits....she is not so meticulous as me :lmao:

I get that same luxury, Steph only eats the claws, and it's taken me this long to get her to even try that! Mind you she was once the same with pigeon and now I almost have to beat her off with a stick when I casserole it!


Aug 23, 2012
I love crab meat ! Not had any in awhile.
It's good karma to help or offer the gift of friendship, or even a friendly hello.
I also believe it's good to know your neighbours


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.