Shadowhawk Tracking


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 18, 2004
This was sent to me by Shawn Handsford who is currently unable to log onto BCUK from work, so he has asked me to post this for him.

Tracking with Shadowhawk

If you’re looking for a good tracking course I can recommend Ian Maxwell, who runs many different types of tracking courses through his school “Shadowhawk”
For the past year I’ve been attending Ian’s courses (better known as Max) and it’s been an unforgettable experience.
I’ve been a wildlife nut all of my life and managed to teach myself the basics of tracking over the years. I came across Max and Rhoda during the 2004 Wilderness Gathering and arranged to attend a course on Dartmoor in March of 2005. After a couple of hours with Max I realised that my tracking skills were not up to much!
By the end of the weekend my tracking had improved 100% and I was eager to attend the next course (Intermediate), this course was every bit as enjoyable as the Foundation, Max works you hard, and encourages you to discover the joy and passion of tracking through your own hard work.
In August of 2005 I spent a week in the mountains of Portugal with week we tracked wild boar, Deer, Jennet, Otter, Badger, Fox, the local gamekeepers dog, and even appeared on Portuguese television! The Portuguese mountains are a wonderful place to practice tracking, and I can recommend a trip there with shadohawk (hard work but good fun)
After Portugal I pulled out all stops, whacked the overtime in, and saved enough money to spend ten days in Kenya with Max during January of this year. Kenya was a once in a lifetime experience. We saw and learned to track so many different animals it’s impossible to list them all, but we tracked Lion, Elephant, Impala, Giraffe, Waterbuck, Baboon, all within 100 meters of our tent! We also had a chance to learn tracking from the Massi tribe’s men. They are employed as rangers on the reserve and we had the chance to go on several patrols with them. They are a friendly bunch and only to pleased to share their knowledge with you.
I’ve had a great time with Shadowhawk this past year, but above all I’ve learnt so much. Max is one of the worlds leading trackers, and provided you are willing to work hard there is no limit to what he can teach you.



Aug 27, 2003
South Wales Valleys
Fantasic review, and cheers for passing that on nipper :) I've only done my foundation with shadowhawk and will likely so some other courses when i have some quality spare time ;)



Sep 5, 2005
i met the chap on last years wilderness weekend he certainly knows his onions
never thought i would get all inspired over tracking but the guy got me hooked on the idea .

Fallow Way

Nov 28, 2003
Staffordshire, Cannock Chase
I think its an amazing subject.

I started years ago and struggled in certain areas until Max took be right back to the beginning and started from scratch. the guys he has assisting are pretty amazing in their own right also.

Tracking now only affects following sign, but your whole awareness I`ve found. A real eye, ear, nose, skin and mouth opener lol


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 15, 2005
:confused: :confused: :confused: What company would decide to block BCUK...Its a fantastic website to waste company time. Not that I would dare visit a website during working hours.

The shadowhawk and natural pathways tracking courses have been of some interest to me for some time and after reading this review and some conversation with previous attendees on these courses i think its time i bit the bullet, so to speak.

:) :thanks: for the info.


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