Sensory Stories - Spreading the word


Jun 18, 2009
Not particularly bushy but I know a few people on here work with SEN Kids and many of you may have exposure to similar issues.

A dear friend of mine is working on a project to develop a number of "Sensory Stories" and has set up a kickstarter project to fund it:

From the site:
Sensory stories can be of particular benefit to children with special needs. For children with profound and multiple learning disabilities sensory stories can open avenues of communication. For children who struggle with proprioception or sensory processing difficulties sensory stories can offer a fun way to encounter experiences and counter anxieties. Children with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, tourettes, and other related disorders can all suffer from hypersensitivity to sensory experiences and may need extra support in this area. Sensory stories are lovely because they can offer that support in a fun way. Sensory stories are also great for children with communication difficulties, being able to tell a story without having to rely on words can enable children who might be nervous about speaking to share a story: telling it using the sensory stimuli.

If you're interested in such things, connected to any similar projects or know anyone who might be, it would be great if you could take a look, back it if you feel that way inclined or share it amongst any interested parties you may know.

A quick share on facebook or a post on twitter would be amazing too!

thanks all


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