Seasonal Greetings

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I hope everyone's Christmas (or seasonal festivities) were suitably merry.

The weather was truly awful here, and driving into Glasgow and back out on the motorway was not fun. Torrential rain had overwhelmed the drainage for a bit. Safe home though.

It was lovely to see family, I have given and been gifted :) and I am in no notion for rich food today at all. I want simple. I'm ready to be back in comfy clothes and curl up with a mug of tea and one of my new books and just chill out.
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18 of us around the table. That’s better than any present. We have four children and nine grandchildren but in-law arrangements mean that we don’t see everyone every year. This year the rotations all coincided like a Rubrik cube and we were all together.
Much hilarity and silliness. A wonderful time. Panto tomorrow - Oh yes we are!

Much of my philosophy and lifestyle is countercultural. It is wonderful to spend time in a silliness with such strict rules of tradition
I spent the day alone, prepping more fleece for another rug.
Breakfast started well, smoked salmon on scrambled eggs, and bucks fizz.
My dinner was a bit of a disaster. The g/free elements, (stuffing and bread sauce) were awfull, and chucked after one mouthful, but I enjoyed a huge roasted mixed veg platter, along with a cranberry nutloaf. Filled the holes up on half a tin of chocolate truffles, and a nice selection of cheeses and crackers. With a small bottle of red wine.
Supper was cold meats platter, olives pickles and home made chutney.
Havnt eaten like that for a long time!

Back to more fleece prep today.
A very quiet Christmas for me. It's always a struggle being alone with no family, and I just feel worse if I get invited to others family Christmas. It highlights the feeling of being alone, so I prefer to just embrace being alone, and I must admit, it's been the best one for many years. I think I've finaly cracked the sadness I normaly feel.
Don't get me wrong, this isn't a cry for sympathy, I'm ok with it.
I am glad you all had a lovely family time. Its only when you don't have it, you realise how very important it is.
Merry Xmas all, and I hope the new year brings better times for those who are having a struggle with life's brickbats.
Love and blessings to my bushcraft family.
I wish you were closer and you can have come to me and Dad.

Its always sad to hear of people being on their own over Xmas.

(But sometime its best to be on your own).
A friend of ours helped out with serving xmas dinner for various older persons at the local church. She said, as well as not being able to afford food, a lot of the pensioners couldn't afford (or were too nervous) to switch on their ovens for fear of the cost of fuel. It has made me think that I would like to do volunteer like that next xmas. I am sure there are many people here who do similar things. And it's actually nice to have the opportunity to help.
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I wish you were closer and you can have come to me and Dad.

Its always sad to hear of people being on their own over Xmas.

(But sometime its best to be on your own).

Bless you Tengu, I'm ok. I have my fleeces to prep, and I've not got dressed for two days! I'm relaxed about it. No good railing about what cards life deals you.
I've learned to like my own company, and I'm not lonely. I can eat what I want, when I want, and I'm having a very relaxed couple of days with no stresses at all.

Many realy suffer loneliness though, and it's not just the elderly. Young people who have just come out of care for instance. Nobody ever thinks of them, and then wonder why they have substance abuse and mental health problems. It's great to put on dinners for the elderly, but there are many others too.

Gibson 175, maybe that's something that you could get instigated localy if you are realy interested in doing something. A dinner that becomes a real family affair, instead of just the elders. Just planting a thought.
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Merry Christmas to everyone.

Had a lovely few days with family, for the first time since pre-covid. First time in my adult life that I didn’t drink alcohol for xmas eve or xmas day, just because I was perfectly content without. Had about 15 0% Guinness though, which still hit the spot nicely. Might have a tipple over the coming week whilst I can enjoy not driving or being awoken at dawn by an excited 6 year old niece!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.