Sea Kayaking Loch Ard


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 12, 2006
paddling a loch
Yesterday we went for a wee paddle, originally it was Loch Lomond but my friend has a weak shoulder. So although it was light winds forecast she did not fancy the half hour crossings between islands. So we headed for Loch Ard. She had never paddle here before.

Heading out through the Narrows.

Loch Ard 'Narrows' by Nick_Scots, on Flickr

There was a couple of Midges out at the put in, not biting. Last week I was there at the same spot at night with my school group, midge hell.

There are lots of Lillies and other interesting Flora and Fauna. As it's mixed woodland surrounding the loch, and only one very small farm, there is very little pollution and lots of Biodiversity.

Lotsa Lillies by Nick_Scots, on Flickr

An underwater shot, Pentax OPTIO WS80 waterproof camera.

Underwater lillies by Nick_Scots, on Flickr

We were also checking out campsites not on the wee island. My friend is a Science teacher so I'm always trying to remember everything she points out, IDs, explains, discovers and talks about when out and about.

Returning back through the avenue of trees, on the way back to the main Loch.

Start of the river Forth by Nick_Scots, on Flickr


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 15, 2010
Looks a great place for a paddle, nice to see some mixed woods. I've not been to Loch Ard (yet).

Noticed the water lilly flowers about to pop out, I reckon they're only a week behind where I am.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.