Sea birds on the menu


Full Member
Aug 14, 2013
Northwest Scotland
Good effort thats an awful lot closer than me. I have seen the light whilst at sea, from around 10 miles west, but thats it.

I knew one of the fellows who travel out there, from the industrial climbing scene, and had some good stories from him, of his time on "the rock". He's retired from it now, but last I heard he was still keeping himself on standby in August should someone drop out.

There's a fear that it may die out unless someone steps up to take over from Dodds when he eventually has to give up the mantle as main organiser & expedition leader.

My only experience of a skerry was spending a couple of days on Skerryvore, maintaing the external repairs to the windows from the fire they had that caused some cracking high in the structure some years back. So masticing a Stevenson pillar light is my only skerry claim to fame. Even then Northern Light flew us out there and flew us back by chopper from Oban, although we did spend one night on her. A return journey isn't top of my bucket list but an interesting experience none the less.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.