Scavenged Titanium and Survival

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Dec 16, 2004
Christchurch...New Zealand
This has appeared in British Blades, but I thought that some here might get ideas...

Writing bits of my book, and selling gear, and buying more gear, and now moving house, has kept me busy.
I was a bit distracted over the weekend, due to some personal issues, and I went down to the beach with a few bits of metal.
Thinking of “Lost” etc type TV shows, has got me thinking about what survivors would REALLY do in an desert island type scenario. "Castaway" with Tom Hanks etc....Or even inland semi-arid etc desert type scenarios for that matter, such as “Flight of the Pheonix”.

If you had access to a hacksaw and a few good blades, and a screwdriver of sorts, such as a SAK or Leatherman type tool, you could remove aircraft bits to make tools and knives, which is really what this thread is about…and of course, using our imagination.

I have half a Pratt and Whitney JT8D jet engine, plus turbine blades in my care.
I hacksawed a few damaged 6Al4V titanium blades that I had removed from the turbine, and made a few tools and knives…

Using my grinder, I then rough ground edges etc on these “knives”...some were better edges, and could shave arm hair.
The rest were levers, and light hammers.
And then I took a handful down to the beach for some quiet time…to work with seaweed, driftwood, washed up nylon and polyprop type netting, as well as Coke cans, flotsam and jetsam, etc.
I was there for 3 hours, and kept busy cutting etc

I am convinced that it is possible to make tools etc from a downed plane, given the time, and basic tools. The titanium is hard to grind, and galls easily, but it’s wear resistance meant that I could slice up gritty seaweed, whittle wood and even shape figure4 traps, make snares from the rope fragments, and the edge was still remarkably good. Building shelters? Quite feasible…
I found a few abrasive rocks and stones, and they would keep a good edge on the titanium, if I was there for a length of time.

No pics, sadly, but the next time I do the beach scenario thing, I will take my camera.

Some might say I am being un-realistic, what with having no power tools in a survival situation, but the point is.......... that we can improvise if we think outside the civilisation square...
In a plane there would be absolutely loads of materials for helping set up a camp/shelter etc. Stuff for tools, shelter, comfort and all sorts. I made a length of rope the other day while I was reading to my little girl, it was out of an off cut of material my wife had left lying about. An inch wide and 2 feet long, I could cut those out of the seats on a plane and make good cordage/rope.

What a great TV Docu it would make!
Great, next time I find myself in a survival situation with half a jet engines worth of titanium vanes and an angle grinder plus a socket to plug it into I will remember that :)
You never know!

It would be a fun thing to do though (not the crash bit) but a deserted island, crashed plane and a group fo people....

I find it fascinating too mate ...not perhaps the specifics but the "imagination" element..the same as rigging a spare 'o' ring from inner tube, or a lens from a piece of ice...its all in the ability to improvise

Love to come when you go next :D

Tony said:
You never know!

It would be a fun thing to do though (not the crash bit) but a deserted island, crashed plane and a group fo people....

I am just cheesed off that someone has a load of titanium spare and all he can think of using it for is making knives and "light hammers" and I don't have any to make posh bits for my motorbike out of :(
Only a Bushcrafter would take a £40,000 aircraft engine and make a £40 knife.

I love it! :You_Rock_

Of course, in that situation the knife could mean life or death and the engine is worthless. But a satchel full of quality steel in the cargo hold is another matter all together. Preparedness means thinking ahead and planning for extreme possibilities. Being able to make useful items from trash is a wonderful skill, having those items tucked away is even better.
Didn't the people who made the Mad Max films have that kind of stuff lying around as props. It always looked like it to me.
I imagine this engine sitting in your garden and every time you need a widget all you have to do is pop out and carve a bit off...... Brilliant!
:D Swyn
zackerty said:
The engine was scrapped...and I asked for it, and it was delivered to my house... :) Cost me a whiskey or three... :D
It came out of a 727.

Very cool! Still its original cost was as high as it used to fly!

I used to live in Alabama where one of NASA's workshop sites is located. We used to buy surplus tools and parts of all kinds. Stuff that cost million$$$$ for the space program, we picked up for a song. Lots of unique kit cobbled together around there.
No instructors, but maybe Ray and Lofty could present the show.

I was thinking some sort of Reality type show, like Castaway / Survivor type deal.

Stick them on an island with the contents of a downed plane, see how they get on.

Maybe have two teams and the objective is to get rescued. (give them opportunities like 'shipping lanes', planes flying overhead every so often etc....


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.