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Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
John that's miserable :( a real scunner.

I can't replace the tarp, or offer to sew one for you just now, but I can give you suitable fabric if you and the missus are up for making your'd be doing me a favour actually since my workroom is overflowing :eek:

Hope you get your money back adn the thief gets what he deserves.



Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
I used to work for an ISP and we saw this kind of thing all the time :(
They would open the web account with a stolen credit card and false details, we would process the order and a few weeks later start receiving calls about goods not arriving, in some cases after paying out £15000 for a car ????
When ever you buy anthing off a website do not deal with them unless they at least have an SSL certificate installed from a known supplier (this give the site the https:// part and a little padlock bottom right). When a customer applys for the SSL they have to provide a lot more ID than just opening a standard website, this also takes longer to get sorted allowing more time for the credit card to bounce and the website to be closed. Most of the time the website opens they get a few quid the credit card bounces and it gets closed down. You can also freely check how long a website has been around which can be another pointer. One more tip is to use a credit card to pay for stuff as they will no doubt get their money back, i hate the things personaly as i am useless with credit :eek: so i use my Dads and give him the cash.

Even with all this experience i have been diddled my self in the past so dont feel too bad about it. Karma baby one day they will get theirs ;)


Full Member
Jul 22, 2007
Hi John,
Dont know if its any help, but I could sew up a tarp for you if you have the material...

Lets hope they get caught, or even better, caught up with......

John that's miserable :( a real scunner.

I can't replace the tarp, or offer to sew one for you just now, but I can give you suitable fabric if you and the missus are up for making your'd be doing me a favour actually since my workroom is overflowing :eek:

Hope you get your money back adn the thief gets what he deserves.



Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
It's no surprise that this is the most popular bushcraft sites on the internet, it's because of all you people, you guys a gals are the salt of the earth. You are all so kind with offers of help to track the blighters down and advice plus offers of material and someone to make it up for me, you people really are the tops. Thank you for all your very kind offers.
I am not stuck for a tarp I have a couple though not the type I ordered, so its not left me without Thank you Toddy and Kitetraveller (great name BTW). I have passed on the advice recieved on tracing the culprits suggested by some of you, once again thank you for that, Oh by the way Mark the squad did'nt know about one of your methods so well done mate they are going to try that link. Thank you all for your overwhelming messages of support to an old fool.
I have just been notified by the bank that they have traced the delivery address to a closed warehouse in Normanton? Somewhere near Wakefield Im told, and the ISP or IP has been traced to a Leeds office unfortunately it is a rent an office thingy style unit, short term temporary lets.


Apr 13, 2008
Vancouver Island, BC.
No problem John - interesting and a little disheartening that they didn't know all the tricks.

Next steps for you John - get the address details of the office and the warehouse and stick 'em in Google - try the postcode first. What you need to do is link up with others that have been ripped off and compare notes - they might have something that can help you and vise versa.

If the ISP has been traced then they too will have some details. Not least in all this is the fact that the account must have had some money transferred (unlikely) into it or cash paid in over the counter. If it's the latter then the bank CCTV will have most likely caught the individual concerned. Ask these questions - the evidence is there to catch them but it's whether the police have the time.

It's about finding the info and putting it together. Police work, I know but if they don't have the time then there is nothing stopping you (or us) doing it.

Lastly, contact the trading standards offices covering the area the warehouse was in and also the office. Ask what they know and make sure you leave your details with them.

All this will make them more likely to get caught next time.


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
The police came into work today to speak to me and it seems they found computer equipment in the temporary rented office containing records of this cycle of scams ie camping equipment, I can't believe how quick they have gotten to this stage, it has raised them in my estimation tenfold. Anyway they told me that this machine contained records of orders and that they will be following up on them. Also the bank has come up with leads through their channels so they seem to be following the same things as you are suggesting Mark. It would appear that this team of scammers are known to the police in a place called Gool somewhere near Hull I think he said, at least something sounding like that anyway. It would also appear that my case is linking in with an existing investigation being carried out by the Yorkshire police, perhaps that explains why things are happening so fast, they were maybe already on to something before my incident was reported.
Mark I know what you mean by disappointed that they found something new from your suggestions maybe they were just humouring me though.


Apr 13, 2008
Vancouver Island, BC.
Heh! I'm glad that they are taking this seriously - sounds like you were just a small part of a much bigger scam or they wouldn't be interested.

To be honest, I'm still not confident that you will get your cash back - not all of it at least - but it will be a small comfort if they end up doing time for it.

Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
The dedicated unit for such frauds is in Glasgow John,there's so much of it unfortunately.

To have feedback already is surprising to be honest.

Must be a good hot lead there chasing.


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
Wallet bare for a while and pride well and truly dented but otherwise no real harm done, but yes I am just the latest in a long line of decent folk scammed out of our hard earned cash by the looks of it. As you say Mark I doubt if I'll see much of my dosh, if any, again but I'll survive and be a damn sight more cautious next time that's for sure.

Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
Wallet bare for a while and pride well and truly dented but otherwise no real harm done, but yes I am just the latest in a long line of decent folk scammed out of our hard earned cash by the looks of it. As you say Mark I doubt if I'll see much of my dosh, if any, again but I'll survive and be a damn sight more cautious next time that's for sure.

Jeez an' nae pals either John...away an' chew some worms son..:D

Only kidding neebs,things can only get better surely.



Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
Aye that's me bud Noddy nae pals, and don't mention eating worms SWMBO served me up noodles for dinner tonight and they were off or the sauce was anyway, it was just like eating worms, yeuch Ended up with a fish supper and she bought it for a wee change.

Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
Aye that's me bud Noddy nae pals, and don't mention eating worms SWMBO served me up noodles for dinner tonight and they were off or the sauce was anyway, it was just like eating worms, yeuch Ended up with a fish supper and she bought it for a wee change.

Well that must make you feel better...Cannae beat a guid supper.


Aug 6, 2008
I was very nearly caught in this too mate. Read the comments on here about the tarps, did a net search and I'm fairly sure got to the same outfit as you did, TrueNorthPursuits. Something didn't quite sit right about it but thinking it was the same people as mentioned on BCUK ......?... Guess I was lucky I didn't have money to hand to go for it yet.


Need to contact Admin...
Jul 13, 2008
West Cornwall
hey thats a bad job mate. Im pretty naive when it comes to internet scams, id be scared buying electricals or expensive gadgets but foolishly id probably feel safe buying something as specialised as a camping tarp. but your misfortune shows otherwise.

thanks for the warning



May 7, 2004
Seems to be getting more common.

Its that feeling of not being able to do anything about it!! Makes you want to find them and batter them with a decent bit of wood!

I understand your anger!

Andy >>>>>--------------------------------<>


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