salt container from antler?!

today i was planning to make a needle case from antler- best to make use of some of it before i have to leave japan :(- BUT as the antler is slightly curved (and a powerdrill with stone bit not the best tool for this job but it*s all i had available...) i messed it up and did not drill straight... .ssoo now i*m left with a section of hollowed-out antler about 1 1/2" long... before just throwing it into the "scraps-to-be-used-later" pile i wanna do something useful with it and make a small container from it.

would it be safe to use as a salt container (for a tiny amount of salt in my edc bag) or are there health issues possible?! or could the salt draw moisture and attack the antler?!:confused:


John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I do not know of any issues - but to avoid any possible hazards you could coat the inside with melted beeswax :)
Melt the wax in a container, pour it into the antler and swill it around then pour out the excess before freeing up the pouring hole (if you use one) with a hot needle and fitting a cork stopper = no contact between antler and salt = easy mind all around :)
All natural and very stylish!
I do not know of any issues - but to avoid any possible hazards you could coat the inside with melted beeswax :)
Melt the wax in a container, pour it into the antler and swill it around then pour out the excess before freeing up the pouring hole (if you use one) with a hot needle and fitting a cork stopper = no contact between antler and salt = easy mind all around :)
All natural and very stylish!

o.k. - i*ll give that a try later, providing i can find out where i hid my beeswax(=my room looks currently somewhat messy as i sort through my stuff deciding what to take and what to leave behind...):p; i carved a bottom plug and matching top "ring" from blue berry wood today and epoxied it in place. as soon as the stopper has dried i can sand it to fit and see how the container performs...;)
o.k., today I finally finished the container (actually a second (larger) as #1 plays hide-and-seek with me.....) but pouring molten wax doesn't work: 1st I have problems getting the wax through the hole, 2nd the hot wax makes the epoxy I used getting soft again (fortunately only the "rod" of the two-piece lid and I managed to fix it:eek:)-- guess I have to find another solution:maxbe a cooking oil/wax mixture for cold pouring...?!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 24, 2009
would it be safe to use as a salt container (for a tiny amount of salt in my edc bag) or are there health issues possible?! or could the salt draw moisture and attack the antler?!:confused:

Always health issues with salt :rolleyes:

Basically it's bone, as long as you have removed the pithy core and made sure it's clean I can't see an issue. Keeping the moisture out is probably the biggest problem.


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