Round the lake and back again


Full Member
Sep 24, 2008
In the Mountains
The mother in-law is here at the moment and both my wife and I have a little time off at the moment so we decided to give the little-un to her Gran (my mother in-law) for the day and take some time for just the missus and me :)

We had a plesent walk and picnic round a nearby lake just over the border in Austria, It was really nice to be out alone with the wife. Those of you with young kids will know how rare those moments can be .

Anyways I thought I would share some photos of our stroll round the lake, weather was great blue skys and +24 degrees .

For some reason I look like I have a mohican hair cut in this photo umm but I dont :confused:

In one area we found bits of a carcass all over the place, there have been reported sightings of lynx about 100k from this lake as there is a re-intoduction program in Barvaria but there has not been a reported sighting in this area for 300 years. I am wondering what killed this ? we also found evidence of other kills on the walk

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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
You know Salad, I think I'm going to stop reading your posts as the countryside round there is too beautiful and you always have a nice time. My salad days are over for now :(

Seriously though great trip report again, keep 'em coming.

From a jealous



Full Member
Sep 24, 2008
In the Mountains
You know Salad, I think I'm going to stop reading your posts as the countryside round there is too beautiful and you always have a nice time. My salad days are over for now :(

Seriously though great trip report again, keep 'em coming.

From a jealous


I will try my best to keep em coming :)

Beautiful pictures. That lake is stunning:)

Thanks its a nice spot :)

From snow to shorts in no time at all, lovely pics mate

Hi Mate, there is still snow even now over 1700 metres and in some of the passes although I expect that will be gone in the next week or two, It was a long winter here this year and spring/summer is most welcome.
You can see in the photos that the snow here has only melted in the last week or so as the grass is still flattened


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hi Mate, what a contrast your recent trips out have been littered with the white stuff! Looks beautiful, i like the fact that you don't appear to bump into too many folk on your excusions.

Thanks for sharing.


Loving the new shaded mohican look, suits you sir, still nobody up there to admire it, keep well.


Full Member
Sep 24, 2008
In the Mountains
Hi Mate, what a contrast your recent trips out have been littered with the white stuff! Looks beautiful, i like the fact that you don't appear to bump into too many folk on your excusions.

Thanks for sharing.


Loving the new shaded mohican look, suits you sir, still nobody up there to admire it, keep well.

Hello Mate hope is all is well with you :)
I normally see a few hikers whilst out an about but I recon they might think it a bit weird if I stated to take photos of them for bcuk :) although I do normally try to head to places where there wont be to many others or if I want to go to a popular area then I try to not go there at the weekends when you get loads of hikers out .
The area in recent winter thread I started is like a tourist/hiker motorway in the summer but in winter no one goes there:)
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