Rough Close Meet 16 - 18 January 2015


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Meet date:

Friday 16 to Sunday 18 January 2015.

Arrival time on the Thursday is 15:00 onwards (so after 3PM).


As per usual, the location is Rough Close Campsite.

In case the site's website goes down, the address and grid reference is:

City of Coventry Scout County
Rough Close Scout Campsite
Tanners Lane

On Ordinance Survey maps: Grid Ref: SP264779 (Site Access) SP266786 (Site Centre)

The site's directions (and therefore the distance) for travelling to and from Tile Hill Railway Station relate to the site's main entrance ~ directions link.


We are booked onto Pitch PC11. See site map below.


As far as I'm aware the price per person, per night will remain £4.60 ~ I'll confirm this, or any change, as soon as I am able to ~ please pay on arrival or soon after. Please note that, although I don't actively chase people for their fees, paying on Sunday often means that I have to make multiple trips back to the site in order to pay our dues.

Entrance road / track:

A good amount of time, effort, and money has gone towards improving the site's drive. Please respect the 5 MPH speed limit, it will help preserve the driveway.


Toilet / Shower Facilities:

The toilet facilities at the end of the Norton Cabin and the Main Toilet Block in the Camp Centre are for the use of any site user ~ shower facilities, should you require them, are available at both. The toilet blocks at the top end of the site will still be drained down and closed for the winter season.


Water is available from the tap on the side on the building closest to the pitch.


We don't make use of a communal bin. There is a big reddy orange bin adjacent to the gate in the Campers Car Park and it's there for site users to make use of.


Please see the 'Helpful Info' section below.

Moving around the site in the dark hours:

Due to the nature of the site it is quite dark at night ~ and as I'm yet to meet someone who can faultlessly move around PC11 without a torch/flashlight having one on you BEFORE dusk begins to break could almost be considered essential! . To this end torches/flash-lights will be in evidence by both those attending the Meet and also by other site users.


Future edits in this post will be highlighted in red and italicised.

Site Map:

Pitch PC11 and various facilities are marked in the pic below. The Blue line marks the approximate route of the main track which leads to the main access point to the pitch.

I'm leaving both RED (for Leader Training) and BLUE (for PC11) routes on for both ease and for reference ;) .


Helpful info:

This might seem to make our Meets seem to be overly regulated. Don't worry, they aren't ~ it's just our way of trying to pre-empt the very rare 'Why, If we're not allowed to, didn't it say so in the Meet thread?' excuse/reaction/comment.

The list isn't exhaustive - common sense applies. If in doubt, ask.

  • Any monies given (by individuals, groups, families etc) which is above the camping fees will be automatically considered to be a donation to Rough Close Campsite to aid with site maintenance, site regeneration etc.
  • Forum members are responsible for themselves*, the kit they use and their own actions (and any non member accompanying them) at the Meet.* This includes meals and cooking. It is up to each registered member to make sure that they have enough suitable food for their stay and and also for planning/arranging for any replenishment if/as need be.
  • Under 18's must be accompanied by at least one parent or legal guardian.
  • You brought it in, you take it out – camping fees do not include a rubbish collection fee ~ The site's bin is the big orange/red thing in the Camper’s Car Park.
  • When visiting others, do not leave your rubbish in their pitch (or in a communal area) ~ take it with you and dispose of it yourself.
  • Please refrain from burning rubbish on a fire which is being used to cook on.
  • There is no communal bin in the Communal Area.
  • Responsible drinking of alcohol is okay – drugs are prohibited! Please do not walk through another group's pitch whilst drinking alcohol and/or smoking.
  • Please keep ‘colourful language’ reasonable and to a reasonable volume ~ please take into account that other site users do not wish to have to explain to their charge(s) just why certain new words shouldn't be repeated!
  • After unloading*, vehicles need to be parked up in the Campers Car Park. * unloading ~ not unloading, setting up, having a natter and then discovering that you're now blocked in ;)
  • Wood fires must be raised and contained. Periodically there is a shortage of wood available to burn - if you want to cook on an open fire, bring a supply of wood or charcoal.
  • Due to changes in site policy, we cannot cut down standing dead wood. The same goes for green wood ~ damaged or not.
  • It would be wise to be carrying a torch before it gets dark! It could also be provident to put markers on your shelter so you can find it in the dark.
  • In the highly unlikely event that I need to make use of this ... I reserve the right to stop any individual(s) from attending a Meet. Any individual(s) who I feel endanger our future use of the site will be required to leave the site; outstanding fees will still be owed.
  • Noise levels after 22:00 need to be respectful of other campers desire to sleep at socially accepted hours.
  • Noise levels before 07:30 need to be respectful of other campers desire to have a bit of a lie in.
  • Chopping (or cracking/snapping etc) wood at 'silly o'clock' is not acceptable. Please make sure that you prepare wood for the start of the next day well before dusk ~ and if you can't be sure, bring an alternative method of heating water/cooking. In the event that you injure (cut, bash, squash) yourself processing wood it is expected that you will have a first aid kit / supplies suitable to treat the wound.
  • Reading the info above the site map is a good idea

The 'Touchy Subject' bit

Because the site is, first and foremost, a Scout Camp Site, we cannot accommodate those who might, purposely or otherwise, do harm to others. If anyone is knowingly under investigation, or has had an allegation made against them and is awaiting investigation, and that the outcome of the investigation could mean that you could be found unfit to adopt or foster a child then you cannot come along.

Expected and appropriate behaviour:

Meets, in general, are very good natured, self regulating, events.

In the event that one or more attendees are found to be causing concern to others they may be required to leave the site immediately. Anyone found to be overly aggresive, excessively unruly, or are otherwise hostile to any site user in any form may be required to leave the site immediately. In the event that an issue is caused by a minor then the parent or loco parentis will be required to take them home. In the event that an issue is caused by a guest the member who issued their invite may also be required to leave.

In the event that a member or a guest has a known mental disability which might affect behaviour let us know and, where we can, we will adapt and make allowances. In the event that we don't know that someone has behavioural issues (potential or otherwise) and attendees are found to have been put at risk, the member, inviting member and/or their guest will be asked to leave with immediate effect.

If you see, experience or suspect something 'amiss' please speak out ~ we cannot help if we don't know.

It's fine if you want to

  • be on your own
  • lay on your back looking at the sky, clouds, birds flying over etc
  • whittle
  • practice 'stuff' - except tree felling; the site has strong opinions about that :lmao:
  • practice flora and fauna ID
  • so on and so forth ...

This is, in no way, a bushcraft course and it's for you to make of it what you will.

Copy and paste yada yada ...

Meet List:

By adding your name you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with post #01 of this thread and accept that it can (and probably will) be edited before the Meet ... and include this line in the paste.

1. decorum
Last edited:


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Post #01 is finally up and running :dancer: The Meet is now booked with the site ~ it took a couple of attempts to book it and this rather frosty morning I finally got success with a 30km bike ride :D


Full Member
May 2, 2007
:eek: Oops, I'd intended to include this with the post confirming the booking ...

We'll likely be using the new communal area* for this Meet. There's still the odd strand or two of bramble and a bit of neatening to be done. If you've got gardening (or suitable working) gloves and/or secateurs and fancy a bit of bushcrafting (bad pun intended :D ) please feel free to bring them and have a quick tug.

* The bit eaten by the site's Goat at the November '14 Meet .

And also following on from the November '14 Meet ~ If you've a spade and fancy a bit of a quick dig to help improve the PC11's drainage ditches please feel free to bring one along :) .


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Sadly I won't be able to make it.

It's come to a point with my health that I find it too much of a struggle to deal with winter camping so I've got to call a halt to it now :(


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Sadly I won't be able to make it.

It's come to a point with my health that I find it too much of a struggle to deal with winter camping so I've got to call a halt to it now :(

It's a pity, but also sensible. Hopefully March will see more suitable coonditions :) .


Full Member
May 2, 2007
I'd like to try and make it to this one if you don't mind.

We don't mind at all ~ I'll add you as a TBC, it can always be removed :) .

Meet List:

By adding your name you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with post #01 of this thread and accept that it can (and probably will) be edited before the Meet ... and include this line in the paste.

1. decorum
2. Udamiano
Phaestos (TBC)


Full Member
Sep 4, 2009
uk mainly in the Midlands though
Meet List:

By adding your name you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with post #01 of this thread and accept that it can (and probably will) be edited before the Meet ... and include this line in the paste.

1. decorum
2. Udamiano
Phaestos (TBC)
4. TinkyPete (TBC due to work and also family birthdays means I hope I can pop in but might be able to stay, it happens when you have a 50th and 80th birthdays in the family)


Meet List:

By adding your name you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with post #01 of this thread and accept that it can (and probably will) be edited before the Meet ... and include this line in the paste.

1. decorum
2. Udamiano
Phaestos (TBC)
4. TinkyPete (TBC due to work and also family birthdays means I hope I can pop in but might be able to stay, it happens when you have a 50th and 80th birthdays in the family)
5. Wayland (TBC But only if I can get my accounts done before then..)


Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
Meet List:

By adding your name you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with post #01 of this thread and accept that it can (and probably will) be edited before the Meet ... and include this line in the paste.

1. decorum
2. Udamiano
Phaestos (TBC)
4. TinkyPete (TBC due to work and also family birthdays means I hope I can pop in but might be able to stay, it happens when you have a 50th and 80th birthdays in the family)
5. Wayland (TBC But only if I can get my accounts done before then..)
6. Midnitehound (TBC)
7. Neil and Clare (TBC)
8. Rob (TBC)
Last edited:


Full Member
May 2, 2007
I should have the communal shelter sorted ~ one or two bits remain to be sourced :eek:

Should be big enough ...

Figure of Nine Loops have been tied in to mark the cardinal points ~ should aid with rigging ...

Yeah, should be big enough! :rofl:



Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
The group shelter looks good.

Neil and Clare plan to bring some wood with them for the main fire and to test out a charcoal maker barrel. I suspect they will bring a whole load of food too, there were rumours of a cauldron and beef stew. There will also be a double propane stove.

Rob plans to bring some soft wood 2yr seasoned pine to make some Swedish fire torches with a chainsaw. He also wants to bring his Swiss twin rocket booster aka Swiss Army Petrol catering stove.

I will bring a table, reflective re-enforced Mylar sheet and other bits and bobs for trying out.

We are aiming to arrive 1-2pm on Friday.

Meet List:

By adding your name you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with post #01 of this thread and accept that it can (and probably will) be edited before the Meet ... and include this line in the paste.

1. decorum
2. Udamiano
Phaestos (TBC)
4. TinkyPete (TBC due to work and also family birthdays means I hope I can pop in but might be able to stay, it happens when you have a 50th and 80th birthdays in the family)
5. Wayland (TBC But only if I can get my accounts done before then..)
6. Midnitehound
7. Neil and Clare
8. Rob

9. ?


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Rob plans to bring some soft wood 2yr seasoned pine to make some Swedish fire torches with a chainsaw.

Using a chainsaw is likely to be highly problematic. I'll see if I can get the okay and find any provisos.

He also wants to bring his Swiss twin rocket booster aka Swiss Army Petrol catering stove.

Quite interested in seeing one of those in action :D (also want to witness a No. 1 burner in action, but that might not be safe on leaf litter :yikes: :campfire:)


Full Member
May 2, 2007
At the moment it would seem that mentioning weather won't bring down much more than we're forecast to get ;) :yikes:

At the moment it's likely to be rain and/or sleet and/or rain ... generally coming in horizontally! :Wow: :umbrella: :canoe:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.