Rose Hip Tea


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I can understand when you are teaching joe public that you have to give the utmost warnings and caution, as we both know there are some people that can not tell a rose hip from bittersweet. I have been in a position where I am re-correcting my own words because I wasn't clear enough, and presumed too much common sense of some one. I have also in the last year found out a fungi have eaten regularly for years contains DHMH which causes kidney failure if not cooked fully. I don't however charge for my advice so I am not bound by anything other than a moral duty of care.

I respect the intelligence of the members of this forum too much to give information which is unreasonably alarmist. I was fed wild plants from baby hood, i was shown the various ways of IDing poisonous plants as well when I was child. I brought up to have no fear of plants, and since my teens I have had a rather odd interest in plant and fungal toxins. I have built up on the knowlegde I had as child considerably. I am though quite prepared to admit I make mistakes, and there is always new things that are found out by science that I don't know yet.

We all make choices in life. DGcalvert has done some great threads on eating common weeds, and if I poison my self because I not been thorough enough IDing a plantain it is my fault not his or anyone else's. I choose just like everyone else what i do with my own body.

The big question is though; Are rosehips in any way toxic?

Nice garden cariboo. The people of britian have eaten rosehips for centuries too. They are a very good wild food in my opinion.


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