Rope/String Making ....???

Martin Cross

Jan 12, 2006
Rotherham England
Hi im just wondering if any one can advice me on rope or string making, for instance if i was really desprate how could i make string from cotton fibres ? . If any one can help i would be eternally grateful :)

Many Thanx



Dec 7, 2003
West Sussex
Martin Cross said:
Hi im just wondering if any one can advice me on rope or string making, for instance if i was really desprate how could i make string from cotton fibres ? . If any one can help i would be eternally grateful :)

Many Thanx


There are plenty of threads on cordage on here. Try a search. Failing that Stickie will no doubt pop up sooner or later string is his bag.

What use are you planning for your string?

Start with some nettle cordage its simple to make although its not the best time of year to gather the materials.


Aug 28, 2005
Martin Cross said:
Hi im just wondering if any one can advice me on rope or string making, for instance if i was really desprate how could i make string from cotton fibres ? . If any one can help i would be eternally grateful :) Many Thanx Martin

The simplest idea is probably braiding or platting - just like girls' hair (or boys' if long enough).

But most cordage is made by "reverse wrapping".

As a start find some strands of something - anything really, perhaps a foot long. Get them together in a single long, straight bundle. Then, keeping the bundle stretched straight, hold each end with the fingers of your hands. Then twist the fibres to get a tight twist all along the bundle. Then make the twist tighter and tighter. When it will take no more twist while straight hook the mid point over something (teeth would do) and bend the bundle double, keeping the two halves straight still. Transfer the two ends to one hand and pick up the midddle off the hook with the other. Then let go of the hooked end. It should twist into a simple cord - the beginning of all cordage really.

Having got the principle one can move on to:-

making it a tighter twist
splicing in more fibres to make a long cord
using thick cords to make thicker cords


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 31, 2006
Who knows
i have just started making some nettle cordage in fact i am half way through right now
i am just waiting for a it to dry
martin you should give nettle cordage a go it really easy
now is the best time of the year to do it (summer)


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 5, 2004
A good way to get the idea is to take apart some bought natural string, as you unravel it it shows you how it was put together.
If you want cordage longer than the length of your threads you need to add them and twist them in as you go, try and stagger the new threads so there is not a weak point.
Jun 30, 2006
ottawa valley
Martin Cross said:
Hi im just wondering if any one can advice me on rope or string making, for instance if i was really desprate how could i make string from cotton fibres ? . If any one can help i would be eternally grateful :)

Many Thanx

Hi I am new guy just joined can not type . Try www.Prairie Wolf . net Lots of neat books & vidios Let old buckskin know you make out Keep your power dry ..


Sep 2, 2005
I've been making nettle cord on and off for a couple of weeks - I've just sort of gone at it without really reading about it too much.
I pick The tallest nettles and not usually that many about 5 that are 4 foot plus in height are ok to start. I wear gloves and rub off all the needles and leaves 9the stinging bits)
In theory you can either peel or split the stalks but I've not had any luck with that. I jut give them a light bashing with a rock or hammer to break them apart a bit. the key is to seperate the outside stringy bits from the woody centre. Once you've given them a good smacking you can then pull the fibres apart. This is fairly obvious once you get to doing it. If you're really good you can get fibres as fine as cotton.
To tyrn it into cordage just get 2 or 3 long fibres and roll them together across your thigh (easier to do than say). if the fibres are a bit damp (and your trouser leg) this seems to go easier.
the fibres themselves are very strong with the weaknesses in the cord being due to my bad technique in joining in new strands.


Jul 8, 2006
ooo, I saw an interesting method for cordage on Ray Mears' Bushcraft... uses Willow bark though, not cotton...

All you basically have to do is get a big willow branch (a bit thicker than your wrist, or so he said), strip the bark from it... remove the outer bark and then whack it up into fibres...

Add some ash from an old campfire or somethin' to a pot of boiling water and add the fibres from the willow bark to it. Supposed to make it stronger & more flexible.

After it's turned a brown-gray colour, take it out and dry it.

Then get your hands wet just to dampen the fibres a bit and start twisting! Start in the middle so that it gets a kink and just twist the rest from there.

Dunno just how strong it'd be... but it certainly looked like string! :rolleyes:

Hope this helps!


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