

Full Member
Nov 6, 2008

I realise I have a xmas tradition that is part of 'me' - I go out on xmas day and feed the wildlife.

I'm wondering if others have any specific/quirky/individual traditions or rituals for other days of the year?

Namely Birthdays - do you have a set 'thing' that is your tradition or ritual?


Jan 6, 2017
Here There & Everywhere
Yes, like you, I have a ritual where I go out on Christmas day.
Normally after dinner.
What I do is ask everyone if they would like to come along as well. I do that to seem friendly and sociable, but every ounce and fibre of my soul is hoping that no-one takes me up on the offer. It's my chance to get away, recharge my batteries, have a bit of solitary time before going back to the sound and fury of a family Christmas afternoon and all the boisterousness that will involve.
To date no-one has taken me up on that offer. Not sure if that's because they know I want that time on my own or just because they don't fancy it. Knowing my family, it could be either of those. The day someone says 'yes' I will whither inside.

On New Year's day I go out for an early, sunrise, walk. I make believe that it's just because I fancy getting out for a bit because I've been inside for the last few days on what is normally grubby weather that time of year. But in reality it's so I can watch the sunrise on a new year and reflect and enjoy watching it come up. Not sure why I haven't confessed my true motives. I suppose I like a bit of personal secrecy, I think that can be important. One doesn't need to share everything.

On a personal level, I make it a point to always make sure I personally say 'happy Christmas'/'Happy Birthday' etc to people because I never send cards. My personal feelings are that if you need a card to express your wishes then your probably don't really feel them yourself. That's my position, not suggesting everyone feels the same or should. So because of that I like to ensure I say it direct to them, ideally in person if I can, but a phone call if not (e.g. due to distance), as a sign that I genuinely am wishing them well. It's important to me.


Full Member
Jan 28, 2017
I don't think I really do have any rituals as such to be honest. I'd like to get into some though- if you can call them rituals? Things like setting a batch of slow gin going, wild camping on the solstices, coastal foraging on the equinoxes.

Kind of natural time clock type of rituals? I make a great effort when it snows to find a golf course for tracking. Is that enough to class as a ritual?
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Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
I don't think I really do have any rituals as such to be honest. I'd like to get into some though- if you can call them rituals? Things like setting a batch of slow gin going, wild camping on the solstices, coastal foraging on the equinoxes.

Kind of natural time clock type of rituals? I make a great effort when it snows to find a golf course for tracking. Is that enough to class as a ritual?

Doesn't matter to me what you do! It should only matter to yourself.

If that's YOUR thing - that in itself is justification enough.
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Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
My birthday ritual is to try and avoid encountering death. I went through a spell where people that I knew, had contact with, related to or passed by as they died. I actually got nervous before my birthday because of it. Imagine how nervous i was when my partner was in labour around my birthday!

Seriously rituals no, but habits yes. Biggest is that keys must be put in one place. I lose it if keys left in coat pockets or other n places. As in car keys left I someone coat pocket gets me going ballistic! I know it's happening but I still get angry. My wallet goes to another place, phones somewhere else and a few other things. Started as a means not to lose them but morphed into something more important. I think it's part of my disorder.

If I think about things I have many such habits. Certain things need to be just so, others I don't care about. Not ritual just habit and obsession.


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
My birthday ritual is to try and avoid encountering death. I went through a spell where people that I knew, had contact with, related to or passed by as they died. I actually got nervous before my birthday because of it. Imagine how nervous i was when my partner was in labour around my birthday!

Seriously rituals no, but habits yes. Biggest is that keys must be put in one place. I lose it if keys left in coat pockets or other n places. As in car keys left I someone coat pocket gets me going ballistic! I know it's happening but I still get angry. My wallet goes to another place, phones somewhere else and a few other things. Started as a means not to lose them but morphed into something more important. I think it's part of my disorder.

If I think about things I have many such habits. Certain things need to be just so, others I don't care about. Not ritual just habit and obsession.

Yep. You should probably best keep an eye on that.


Oct 22, 2020
Used to have an order to everything before rugby games I played, not sure I'd thought of it as a ritual, but it was a process that I tried to keep standard (minus the few occasions I realised I'd forgotten something and had to drive like a lunatic back home to get it....which perhaps was probably why I had that structure in the first instancs), but haven't played in years so not so much anymore.

I typically lead rather an unstructured life, so routines, rituals and the sort tend not to fit in, even if I wanted them too...


Full Member
Jun 18, 2008
Off the beaten track
More and more I find myself adopting the traditional view of Sunday’s (the lords day) being a day of rest. Not meaning that I don’t do anything, but I mostly abstain from using power tools and making myself too busy with plans.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.