Return Of The Tribe

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
Too late to advertise it being on :eek: but has anyone else been following the mini-series?
A group of six tribespeople from Swagap, Papua New Guinea paid a reciprical visit to Britain after themselves being visited by the presenter. The Crocodile hunting, former canabalistic, visitors have an amazingly fresh outlook on our culture. They were worried about the leaves falling off the trees in autumn and their Chief seems to have fallen in love with a quadbike! Back in PNG, they are largely self-sufficient, choosing to trade in crocodile skins and sea shells only when they feel the need. They have voiced a dim view of the west's fashion for putting "Old People" in care homes, and seem all too convinced that there are way too many of us for our own good.
Next weeks episode sees them experiencing snow for the first time and their return home.
Tuesday Evening 8 - 9pm Channel 5
I really hope that it will be released on video/DVD.


Ogri the trog


May 10, 2006
If you want to stretch your imagination, try and guess which bits of our culture they'll find of most curiosity.
I find it impossible to put myself in their place; quite humbling.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2005
Ah missed it :( Sounds interesting though.

Was a programme a few years back that did something similar (though much more limited)

A few villages in a South American tribe would get together for a racing competition. The races were run over huge distances, and each village team had to kick/dribble a small ball from the start to the finish. Losing the ball meant you lost. The mad thing was the time they spent running, 24hrs+ with the village elders saying races used to be much longer. The women used to hand out this cold cornflower gruel to keep them going.

So the production crew flew them over to Europe, and entered them into a proper cross country race. Day before the race they made their own running shoes out of tires. And then spent the rest of the day in a pub, drinking as much beer as they could.

The top placed guy, came in 5th. And reckoned he could have done better had he realised how short the race was. :D


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