Removing baked on tar from your billy cans.

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Since I don't stack them, for my over burning wood kettle and copper frying pan (they are tinned so even if I had nesting sized pans they couldn't go in each other bare) I simply made thick linen sacks to fit them in and leave the residue on the outside of the pans. If the tar starts to come though ill just chuck the bags in the washer. Saves the extra work.



It ain't how hard you work it is how smart you work, I like it. :cool:
My woodgas stove leaves a thick sticky residue of tar on my cooking pots. No amount of scrubbing will remove it. And it has a tendency to mark anything it touches.

What scourer were you using MM?

I use a ss pot scourer I bought from Tescos ages ago and I don't have any problem removing the tar and soot from my pots. I find brillo pads aren't much use on them so moved over to the ss scourer.

Give you an example these are my pots from the weekend after a weekend of being used over a fire with birch logs. The kettle especially was thick with tar and it was baked on solid as it was pretty much in constant use morning and evening.

Little bit of hard scrubbing with the scourer in the picture in hot water and liberal amount of washing up liquid on and they came up like this
What scourer were you using MM?

I use a ss pot scourer I bought from Tescos ages ago and I don't have any problem removing the tar and soot from my pots. I find brillo pads aren't much use on them so moved over to the ss scourer.

Give you an example these are my pots from the weekend after a weekend of being used over a fire with birch logs. The kettle especially was thick with tar and it was baked on solid as it was pretty much in constant use morning and evening.

Little bit of hard scrubbing with the scourer in the picture in hot water and liberal amount of washing up liquid on and they came up like this

It was a scotch pad - but try the ethanol - literally no scrubbing required. leave it for a 5 second dip then wipe off with a paper towel.


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