Recycled Bud Bottle Stove from Andy T

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Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
At the Rough Close meet last week, Andy T was kind enough to give me one of his own homemade Bud bottle meths stoves. I've always used my wood burner and have never been bothered with meths stoves after trying a Trangia some years back. But after briefly testing this out last week I was well impressed and wanted to give it a thorough review.

I'd like to add at this point that my review was undertaken without a pre-determined bias towards the stove. In fact quite the opposite. I've never gotten on with meths burners. The fact that it was given to me in no way affected my view of the performance. If I wasn't impressed, I wouldn't be writing this now

It's a small little stove that sits nicely inside my Bush Buddy with space for matches or a firesteel. This all fits into my Ti pot and makes for a lightweight and compact cooking combo.


The stove itself is very small and made from a recycled aluminium Budweiser bottle. Pretty much the same specs as the Whitebox Duo stove from the states, but entirely handmade by our own Andy T. The exhaust ports are more numerous than you usually get with the Trangia or Tatonka alternatives.


The point of this test was to try it out in the field and test boil and burn times. I chose quite a windy spot, a) because I'm an idiot and b) because I wanted to test it in less than clinical conditions.

Two pots of water were used. My Ti mug for some hot chocolate, and my larger pot with one litre of water.


Lighting is easy, a couple of hits with some ferro rod sparks get the primer pan burning nicely.


It takes roughly 15 to 25 seconds to get a full bloom. In these windy conditions with only the log as a windbreak, it took about 35 seconds. But when it gets going, you know about it. It burns like my gas hob at home. Very impressive.


The mug sits directly on the rim of the stove. Ideally, the pot or mug should be slightly wider as mine was heated through the sides rather than through the base. Not a problem, but some heat is obviously lost this way and the handles get very hot. No major drama though.


Boil time was just 3 minutes without any protection from the elements other than the log. This was quick and I had hot choccy in no time. Perfect when on the trail.


For the litre pot of water, I threw my Bushy Buddy windbreak around it. The difference was immediate and the flames increased in intensity.


The pot sat just above the stove with the BB stand in place, so I guess meths consumption increased somewhat.


Again, not a problem though, and after about 4 1/2 to five minutes, I got a nice rolling boil.


I also left the water on and got a continuous burn for a further 12 minutes. From 2fl oz of meths in breezy conditions, this performance is excellent. Heating a bagged ready meal or rat pack would certainly not be a problem. Rice and noodles could easily be cooked in this time.

It's a great little stove, and perfect for walks or camps. The size is easily small enough to fit inside the mug with ample room for other items. It's very light, so no problems there. I will certainly be getting another to fit inside my mug for short walks, whilst keeping this one in my combi pot and stove set for other times.

Andy was sourcing some more bottles to convert so may have some more available soon. I can't recommend them highly enough.

Can't wait to try it out in the colder months. Certainly easier and quicker than my wood burner could ever be, plus you don't need to top it up constantly. I now have the best of both worlds.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
great review jon, i have been toying witt the idea of a meths stove for a while now but am still unsure. i like the idea of them they are clean and quite cost effective, i just dont like the idea of carrying meths which has always leaked out before.

how did you carry your meths and what in?????

thanks again.



Sep 6, 2010
East Yorks
Great review.
That's a nice looking stove, I quite like meths burners, Gonna try making one sometime this week.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
I intend making one too, only problem I'm having is sourcing the bottles - anyone know of any current brewers using them?

There are literally hundreds of designs of meths stove and dozens of suggestions for various cans which can be used to make them. A bit of work with your favourite search engine will lead you there. Basically you're looking for a couple of cans which fit very closely one inside the other. The outer can is the container, the inner can is the 'wick' and is really just a cylinder although it can be a can with a big hole in the bottom to give it rigidity. You fit the inner can to the outer, swage or bend over the join around the top to make a reasonable seal. Take the assembly out into a (preferably damp) field, pour in meths and light it from a safe distance. The meths wicks up the gap between the two and boils. Now it needs to get out, so you'd better have some holes in the top of the OUTER can or the pressurized alcohol vapour will blow the liquid alcohol up in the air to produce an interesting fireball effect.. :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
For the litre pot of water, I threw my Bushy Buddy windbreak around it. The difference was immediate and the flames increased in intensity.

Earlier this year at Spitewinter I borrowed one of the Trangia meths burners and used my Aldi cutlery drainer thing as a pot stand with the burner inside it. The effect on the burner was remarkable! :campfire:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
I intend making one too, only problem I'm having is sourcing the bottles - anyone know of any current brewers using them?

i've used all sorts of deoderant cans to make this kind of meths burner, a lot of deoderant cans have a "waisted" section, if you cut that bit out fairly carefully (scissors are good) you can get two good sections that will fit inside one another.

Earlier this year at Spitewinter I borrowed one of the Trangia meths burners and used my Aldi cutlery drainer thing as a pot stand with the burner inside it. The effect on the burner was remarkable! :campfire:

the effect really was something special, the ikea drainer was glowing red hot, none of us managed to get a picture that did it justice but it really was surprising how much heat such a little burner can kit out.



p.s you can make some really pretty pictures playing around with photo's of meths burners too, the alien life form in my avatar picture is a dove deoderant can burner.
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