Rarest animal you have seen out

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There used to be a little turtle (6" diameter or so) living in one of the small tributaries of the Thames near me. But that was probably about 7-8 years ago.

I accidentally disturbed a snoozing Scottish wild cat some years ago. It made its displeasure known by spitting at me :eek: and was gone in an instant; it moved very fast and there was no chance of a picture. In many years of walking in the highlands it's the only time I've seen one and it was so fleeting.
Whats the Rarest animal you have spotted while out on a bushcraft trip?

I had some killer whales come up close to me this year!


I got quite close to a few earlier in the year too.


Watched a Pine Martin slinking about the bottom of my parents garden a couple of weeks ago, that was a first for me.
Didn't see the mink that raided our camp on a fishing trip because I was still crashed out in the hammock but Blutack got some good photos.



I never tire of seeing Gloworms.:)

I was backpacking with a friend in the Bob Marshall widerness back in the 70s and came across a mountain lion. Just got done swimming in a river and turned and saw the cat coming around a bend in the river. He almost turned around when he saw us and then changed his mind and kept on coming. He passed right in front of us maybe 20 or 30 yards away. Evidently he wasn't hungry cuz I'm still here.
Oh wow i never knew there were Glowworms in the UK, What kind of areas do they like i.e woodland./homes/damp/dark etc? and are they like glowsticks or do they have unlimited glow ability? i need a few for my shelter
Both places I see them are large, flat, well drained areas just above the beach, lightly covered in bracken. They don't appear to go into the surrounding woodland.
That one crawled alongside me onto the railway sleeper that we use for a fireside bench. Camera shy they ain't.

They seem to glow for a couple of hours after sunset then fade. Occasionaly I've seen them much later but just one or two(where earlier in the night there may have been dozens glowing).

"I don't really know" would be the honest answer.:)

Funny story attached to that one... Halfway up a hill in Lake St Clair National Park in Tasmania, I spot an echidna a few meters off the side of the trail. I'm just stealthily getting the camera out and lining up a good shot when I hear a tramping noise coming up the trail - a family group, with Father well out in front. I make a kind of shushing motion as he comes towards me and point out the echidna - trying to convey "There's an echinda right here that I'm trying to take a photograph of without disturbing it" without, well, disturbing the echidna. He immediate response?


Needless to say, the wee beastie immediately curled up in a ball and wouldn't come out for ages...
UK would have to be Otter(s), kingfisher, dipper all several years ago fishing on the Usk, Wales
World wide, a Civit cat while in the Brunei jungle about 6 weeks ago. Saw loads of glow worms as well

Oh wow i never knew there were Glowworms in the UK, What kind of areas do they like i.e woodland./homes/damp/dark etc? and are they like glowsticks or do they have unlimited glow ability? i need a few for my shelter

Get lots of them around the Kent meet woods .. as far as I know they have infinite glow ;)

Whats the Rarest animal you have spotted while out on a bushcraft trip?

Saw a Lone Rambler once ..


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