Question concerning Carinthia sleeping bags.

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Apr 27, 2019
USA ( Blue Ridge Mt's )
This is my first post here. although I am a daily user of Bushcraft USA for the last 8 years. The term Carinthia gets no response here as I believe it is only in Europe. Please bare with me also as I have to run metric measures through a conversion chart.. Also I have scanned through your forum posts on sleeping bags without success to my question. The US military sleep systems is a lot of wieght, and I don't need the extreme temp rating they have. I am in the Tennessee blue ridge mountains, and it only gets down seldom below 13 degrees F. Anyway, I have no knowledge of the term Carinthia, but like a couple of their products I have seen. the Defence 4 bag looks good to me, but the Finnish MO5 looks a lot better as it appears to have a little more room for movement. They seem to both have about the same rating as far as temp. Any comments or advise would be greatly appreciated, I believe medium bag would fit as I am only 5 ft. 9 in, tall, sorry, don't know what that is in metric. Also the company that ships to the US, is Varusteleka, Is this a reputable company. sending money over seas scares me a little. Thank You
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Quality brand.
Quality supplier.

Get the longer bag, for increased comfort. Nothing is more irritating not to be able to stretch out properly! More air = more insulation. Not much added weight.
You are about 175 cm short.

Check if Varulesteka sends overseas.
You will have to pay your own import duties and taxed as you know?
Didn't even think about import duties, Going to have to figure out how to do that. They do ship to the US
Sorry, I lost my WiFi signal so my post was a bit short.

The Carinthia comes highly recommended by users here. I don’t personally have any knowledge of them, my only cold weather bag is a British Army Arctic that comes in very handy in the hammock at almost any time of year, but would be too much insulation for a tent unless in mid winter. It’s also very bulky, as will be the Carinthia if you wanted to use it as a modular system.

As for wriggle room, it’s great to be able to turn over in the bag, but if the temps are low all that extra air space won’t do you any favours. I have a huge bag, a Coleman Big Basin. It’s superb for warmer temps, but I’ve used it in winter and spent a lot of my troubled night tucking all the excess in tightly.
I have the Finnish M05 bag as it has a bit more arm room. It's a brilliant bag and comes with a zip in cotton liner. I got mine from Varusteleka. I'm 6'0" and there's plenty of room for me with an inflatable pillow inside the bag. Oh, and welcome to the forums!
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-10,55 degrees Celsius
lowest expected temperature?

That fits to the Carinthia Defence 4.
Recommended to women until - 8,8 degrees Celsius
Recommended to men until -15 degrees Celsius

This temperatures are meant if you wear long merino wool underwear like Woolpower 200 in the sleeping bag.

175 cm short you are?

Body weight???

Made in Austria with Austrian filling
Size M
215 cm long
84/57 cm wide

23x38cm packing roll.

180 €

The sleeping bag has NO WARMTH COLLAR. You have to use it in combination with a padded jacket!

Like the Carinthia Defence 4 the Snugpak Special Forces 2 has a NATO stock number.

Made in Britain with Swiss filling
Size M
220 cm long
80/65/42 cm wide


23x23cm roll with a very tight fit.
In my opinion the stuff bag is to small, but it works.

( Yesterday I ordered the carinthia Defence 4 compression bag.
In a couple of days I can tell you if it fits together.)

Recommended to men until -10 degrees Celsius, that's exactly what you need.

If you wear merino underwear in it like woolpower 200.

165 £
Attention! I give you one price in Pound, one in Euro!

The sleeping bag has a warmth Collar. (!!!)

Even if it's larger you will have less problems with circulating cold air in it.

You can use for both the expensive and heavy Carinthia bivvy bag or the ultra light Snugpak Special Forces bivvy bag which is far cheaper.
But of course they fit better to the own sleeping bag.

The Carinthia bivvy bag offers the option to close it totally. Here you can breath through the fabric. (!!!)

If you use the Snugpack bivvy bag you have to breath through the hole, what works far better as with the Carinthia bivvy bag.

I bought the Snugpak Special Forces system, because the size M fits exactly to my body size with 185 cm, because it has the warmth collar, because the well fitting bivvy bag is far lighter and cheaper than the Carinthia bivvy bag,

And because here I can put the relatively tight fitting SF2 winter sleeping bag in the summer sleeping bag to create a very warm winter sleeping bag, both are connected with a special adapter. I can open both in one rush by using only one zipper.

The Carinthia Tropen summer sleeping bag belongs in the winter sleeping bag Defence4.

The Tropen has a side zipper, the Defence 4 a central zipper, you have to open one after the other. But the Tropen has a moskito net, the Snugpack Special Forces System doesn't have it.
I use in very hot conditions the Snugpack jungle bag with its attached moskito net and with the other system an extra moskito head net if needed.

The Carinthia bivvy bag weights 1000g and costs 380€.
The Snugpack Special Forces Bivvy bag weights only 340g and costs 90 £.

Of course the heavier bivvy bag is more robust than the other. I think, the Snugpak is drying faster, but I only compare it with the different fabric of normal Goretex, like the British army bivvy bag. I don't own the Carinthia system.

(Both summer sleeping bags are quiet equal in the specifications, the Snugpack is probably a bit larger and 100g heavier.)
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@Janne probably can tell you something about Ajungilak / Mammuth sleeping bags.
That is the Swedish military sleeping bag maker.

My brother has a summer version and loves it.

But I prefere all zippers of my sleeping bag system over each other and central.
I hate it to get a cold shoulder if the sleeping bag is a bit open.

And Ajungilak uses side zippers to connect the bags in cold conditions.
I sleep alone and outside, sometimes under a military poncho, my brother sleeps with his wife in a double wall tent, what I don't do in cold conditions.
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But I think Carinthia delivers directly to the client too. And perhaps from a store in the USA?

Have a look to the BRENTA here!
Side zipper, warmth collar, not so wide like the Defence 4. It's more constructed for the civil market I think. Perhaps better for you.

But I think it's more constructed for people who sleep at the back. It has more insulation on top, and the side zippers. Because I sleep on the side, I prefere centre zippers and insulation equal thick around me.
An important point I forgot:

Both bivvy bags have a zipper, the Carinthia has a long one, the Snugpak SF a half length zipper.
The flap of the Carinthia bivvy is made to sleep on the right side, the Snugpack bivvy is made to sleep on the left side.

I better fall asleep on the left side, like most people do. Carinthia puts the soldier on the right side, because if he is emotional stressed, it's better for him.

Try out in your bed, on which side you better fall asleep!
That's an option too.

This Mammut /Ajungilak Tyn sleeping bag is recommended until -12 degrees Celsius.

But it has a short zipper.
If it is warm you can't really open it and get cooked in the own water.

I don't know if they are still made in Sweden, where they earned theyr good name.
Ajungilak was taken over by the Swiss Mammut years ago. I don't know, if that changed the quality.

If you press on the three lines on the right you can change the language, there is the US flag too, probably means theyr shop in the USA.
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Sorry, my knowledge about Swedish made sleeping bags is more than 2 decades out of time.

I doubt any sleeping bags are made in Sweden. Haglöfs is owned today by a Japanese company, so I guess the production is wherever they can get it made cheapest.
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Edit to my origional post.
The more I'm looking at the different bags, I seem to always go back to the Finnish MO5. It seems to have a little extra room, and extra space around feet area for a little more movement, as I do sleep on my left side, at least to start out, Guess i will have to start saving up a little more for that one. I have never owned a mummy bag so hope my reasoning is correct. But then again, I could just go ahead and get the British Army arctic bag, which is my second choice, till I save up enough for the MO5. LOL, decisions, decisions.
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Are you able to get the information if they are still used by the army?

I don't really understand, why they sell two heavy winter sleeping bags but no summer sleeping bag in olive green.
@Bushmaster 271

You have never owned a mummy shape sleeping bag?

Are you a beginner and need perhaps more informations about sleeping bags to decide what you need?

Do you have experience with winter camping?

I would recommend you a relatively tight fitting winter sleeping bag. Not like a sausage, but fitting like a jacket that's one or two sizes larger as usual.

I prefere wide summer sleeping bags in hot conditions, but relatively well fitting "3 seasons" and especially winter sleeping bags.

And yes, that is the opposite recommendation as @Janne gave you, and yes, Janne is one of the most experienced persons in this forum.
I am very surprised, that here he told a totally different recommendation than I did.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to discuss that question here, even if that is probably a long discussion and could get OT.

Please tell us how you want to use your sleeping bag in which conditions and please write a bit about how much experienced you are. Do you plan to use additional a summer sleeping bag?

I got the impression, that you don't really understand the differences between mummy shape and blanket shape sleeping bags. Am I right?
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LOL, I hate winter, For me, thats a time to hibernate. never had a mummy bag. I'm older then dirt itself, (71) but retired here to the mountains where trees could take out the power lines, and have. Just looking for a good bag to get me through till the power comes back on. I do enjoy day hikes through the Blue Ridge mountains here, and all my camping has been in the summer. My age and health prevents me from any extended trips into the bush any more.
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Edit to my origional post.
The more I'm looking at the different bags, I seem to always go back to the Finnish MO5. It seems to have a little extra room, and extra space around feet area for a little more movement, as I do sleep on my left side, at least to start out, Guess i will have to start saving up a little more for that one. I have never owned a mummy bag so hope my reasoning is correct. But then again, I could just go ahead and get the British Army arctic bag, which is my second choice, till I save up enough for the MO5. LOL, decisions, decisions.
you'll not regret getting the M05 bag. It's one of those investment pieces of kit that you'll be using for years.
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