Pure News - Ireland - good news for the environment

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Sep 12, 2006
Press release from PURE
PURE (Protecting Uplands & Rural Environments): On September 1st 2006, Mr Dick Roche TD and Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government launched the start-up of a new environmental partnership initiative at Avondale House in Co. Wicklow to combat the escalating problem of fly-tipping and small scale illegal dumping. PURE (Protecting Uplands & Rural Environments), is a new regional initiative which incorporates local authorities including: Wicklow County Council, Dublin City Council, South Dublin County Council, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council as well as Coillte, National Parks & Wildlife Service, ESB, and a number of non-statutory organisations represented by the Wicklow Uplands Council, to halt incidents of small scale illegal dumping in the Wicklow/Dublin upland regions. The project aims to tackle the increasing amount of fly-tipping and small scale illegal dumping by introducing a number of measures, including a dedicated clean-up vehicle to provide an effective and timely clean-up response to dumping incidents. A lo-call-phone-line 1850 365 121, which was established by the EPA will enable the general public to report incidents of fly-tipping/illegal dumping and report on individuals who are involved in such activities. The creation of an education programme, in conjunction with public awareness campaigns and the distribution of informational literature, will inform the public on the detrimental affects of fly-tipping/illegal dumping. The PURE project will also be collaborating with An Garda Síochán and local authority Environmental Enforcement Officers, with the introduction of CCTV monitoring of ‘black spot’ areas and regular Garda check points to insure transporters have legitimate waste permits. The project has also created a data-base to record all incidents of illegal dumping and will ‘name and shame’ any offenders who are convicted of such offences. The PURE project is funded directly by the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government and supported by the EPA and the first statutory and non-statutory regional partnership initiative established in Ireland to deal with incidents of fly-tipping/illegal dumping. It will operate on a regional basis concentrating on the Wicklow/Dublin upland areas and has secured funding for three years. At the conclusion of the project, it will be evaluated to determine whether it should be continued and extended to other areas.


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