Update on the story. Reply from the shop:
"...We have chased Rosker (UK distributor) again today on your behalf and they have confirmed that the stove is faulty and we will therefore issuing a refund." So it's officially a fault.
From what I have seen (one stove ordered on line, two display models at Cotswold and one delivered from Cotswold warehouse) there is a difference in flame spreaders. If you buy this stove and the spreader is almost impossible to remove with bare fingers, your burner will distort to the point it will affect the flame. My current Omnifuel from Cotswold batch have a "loose" flame spreader that rattles. I got it red hot and it did distort slightly but it's barely noticable and doesn't affect anything. I would even advise bending the arms on the spreader out a bit.
And a very interesting reply from Primus:
"Hi Mattew,
And very sorry for the late reply.
We have had more than we've been able to handle lately, and we are far behind schedule in the support mail right now.This is not the service standard we'd like offer, and not what we are known to offer in the past,
But unfortunately this is where we are at, and we're working hard on getting back on track.
I see that you have gone back to the store, and that is the correct way to handle a claim...
In General the burner gets very hot and the material gets soft when the stove is running,
and with tension of the flame spreader and having the stove running for a longer duration,
this type of deformation can occur.
But it should not happen with normal use when cooking an outdoor meal.
If the stove is run hot, it is easy to get the burner back in shape just by pressing the dents back
with the multitool (or another tool).
The hardest part is getting the flame spreader of while it is hot, but with the use of pliers it is quite easily done.
It's a bit more tricky, but it is also possible only with the use of the Multitool.
Best regards
Erik Wirén".
From one side I'm happy with their common sense approach and advice, but wouldn't be very comfortable reshaping red glowing metal on a brand new stove.
I have to say it is a wonderfull device and love how refined the ergonomics are. It I loose or kill it I will buy another one without looking around.