good tread guys. heres my take. I was a survivalist back when it was really big, even worked as a consultant, but like you guys said the majority were both exstreme and short sighted. my veiw has mellowed with age, at one point I must have had over 30 guns, now less than a dozen. only one semi-auto in the bunch, a benelli shotgun, I like its utter reliability. we stock short term supplies, acople of months worth, for bad weather, or if for some reason we were tight on money[i.e. serious injury], and we rotate those stocks by using them for camping thoughout the year. as far as ww111 well society can do to itself whatever it likes , I'm not interested in any of that. I'm a free man, I give no allegeance to any group or goverment, [present company not incuded], we mke our own way, pay for things in cash , don't borrow money, don't have credit cards, live and let live, but It is my great comfort to know that if worst came to worst, my woman and I have the combination of skills, exsperiance, and basic gear to get though any situation that I can imagine .