post a picture of yourself

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You must upload it to Photobucket or another image hosting site and once its up on the web post it by using the:red:
Yes you can see the grad filter in his hand !! the secret to a good landscape shot;)

I assume you have more than one!!!:lmao:

Thanks underground, greg and Nick and well spotted ArkAngel! Here's the actual shot with the grad (I used a beanbag to get rid of the 'baby shake')

S0rry for straying off-topic a bit.:
Brancho - was that an oven???? Looks like a pile of something.

It is a pile something with an oven in the middle. the oven is a galvonised dustbin ove a fire hole that was far too small really but I got it to work in the end. It was on a Scout campsite and fires have to be off the ground so it was built quite high.
Most advice I have seen suggest building an oven inro a bank.
I really had to think about contributing to this being the shy and retiring type :D Anyway, here's me on the right with Ian 'Max' Maxwell from Shadowhawk smiling through a Dartmoor downpour.


Nice thread Jon!

Me on hols earlier in the year...


Not one that I like - I can all but see myself holding a half smile while wondering if the guy who took it would ever master my camera! Like others have said though, I'm usually on the other side of the lens. Looking to find it, I actually have a grand total of 2, apart from this one, of me outdoors :)

Arghhh I just previewed it - it scared even me!!


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