Plans, notions and what are you up to ?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
It's that time of year again. Everybody's itching to be out, the rain's a pain but the days are stretching out again. There's a faint greening just appearing on the trees. Sap's rising, bulbs are coming up, buds are opening and the world's alive again out there :D

What have you in mind for the year ?

I want to dig up some clay and make my own pottery, right from scratch. I want to clear some more of the wool stash (I've made three bushshirts this past month :) ) maybe make up some children's cloaks with the smaller pieces.
I want to render down some resin and I need to dig up some meadowsweet roots and make enriched oil from it.

This year is my own personal Woodsy Doctorate year. (Phrase stolen from Mark Baker Author of A Pilgrims Journey)
I'm booked on a veritable smorgasboard of courses covering areas i identified i was weak in or had no experience doing.
I'm also working on an assortment of different pack frames to play with.
Refurbing Grandads Axes. One almost complete two to go.
Stealing mornings when off work and the boy is at school to get a few hours at my permission
Training scout our seven month old cocker spaniel.
I also have plans for a kit based on something illustrated in a web comic ( i am an über geek i know i know)

So not much really....


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
Im on an advanced navigation course, then a canoe course, then Im perfecting my arctic kit.
Ive also ben waiting to join an exclusive fly fishing club on the wharfe, only sixty members allowed. Ive been on the waiting list for five years, and someone must have died, because they finally let me in, so I'll be there during the summer, catching trout and grayling. Tying my own flies.
I joined a shooting club, but I might jack that in. Dont know. Would love to get a permission to hunt rabbits with air rifle....Some Sea lure fishing and coastal survival.
And Im gonna attend a few meets. Plus Im on the tree and plant ID masterclass with Paul Kirtley, so I intend to study that hard this year.
Im sure there'll be other stuff as well. May do the spey this year. Or go up to knoydart.
Then in January, I'll be wanting to go to the arctic again. Maybe norway this year. If I can find willing partners. I'd like to spend 3 weeks to a month in the arctic boreal forest, base camping, and exploring.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 24, 2011
It's my last shift at work tonight, I have taken voluntary redundancy. So I need to drop in a the Jobcentre before I fly off to Norway next week. After two weeks in Norway I come home for a day before flying out to Italy for two weeks skiing. April is a bit quiet so far but I've got a 5 day canoeing course at Plas Y Brenin in May. June has a 16 day trip to the Yukon planned and July will be blessed with summer skiing in Stryn, Norway. August is the Bushmoot and September may be a good time to visit Finland after the blackfly season. In October my thoughts turn towards the next ski season...
Unemployment isn't so bad (for some) afterall! I appreciate it's no fun for many though...


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Im really busy with Uni, only the second year too. Placement writeups, assignments, mini dissertation...and the exam, of course.

This term is all about technology and some folk are already traumatised....

And of course after that Im planning my summer. As a scholar I can pretty much go where I please and do as I like.

(But of course I have just bought my Bushmoot ticket...Im not missing that, -indeed its now even part of my education.)

nic a char

Dec 23, 2014
Hill-walking in BRILLIANT sunshine and clear blue skies this week! Spotting roe deer wakening, frost-covered, in sheltered hollows, snipe in bogs, skylarks performing as if spring is here, the reinvented buzzards hunting off fence-posts, hares jumping about...


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Last 2 years I’ve dropped off the Bushcraft but I can’t fight the calling, I love being outside. My boy is 15 and I intend to take him out and start teaching him some basic skills. I’m looking forward to having some quality father / son time outdoors this year.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
There's a couple of ideas I've had fairly recently,

1) walking along the local river from the sea to the source it's about 60 miles, there's not 'path' as such along side but it's flat enough [it has been done before] to walk along, it's not an organised/ recognised path/ walk etc.

2)walking along an old railway line - not sure how far I can get, I guess a couple of towns away maybe 80 ish miles.

3) walk along the coast to the next town - again no organised footpaths but from google earth looks do-able, maybe with a little scrambling.

4) the Buchan and Formatine way - the closest organised/ recognised route to me

5) maybe the Spey way, again fairly close and organised/ recognised route.

6) I'd love to get up Ben Nevis

7) 100 year cubs camp later this year 150 from our region, about 5 regions going so perhaps 700 ish people, going to be crazy :)

I guess 1,2 and 3 are pretty achievable but the others require more organising / getting time away from family / work commitments and so probably won't happen.
7 is a given.

8] just get out to the local woods and keep on trying / refining different hanging methods.


Dec 7, 2003
West Sussex
I am currently planning my next canoe trip in Finland and a jaunt to a Alps to teach some bushcraft skills in prep for an expedition i have long been wanting to do. One of the great Arctic rivers of Canada the Coppermine or Burnside. Both on my list to do.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.