Pimp Your Pocketboy (tutorial pics)


Mar 22, 2007
I mentioned a while back that I was going to have a go at rehandling one of these. Here is the end result and some pics to show how I did it.

Start by removing the existing handle. I made an incision along the length to start and then lots of prising and cutting to divide each of the connections between inside and outside:

I went for a three-part handle, though you could, of course, cut a mitre in a single block and slot this on.

The first piece is the spine piece. It's important to get the heel end right as this is where the blade will rest in the closed position. If you want to keep the lanyard hole, you need to ensure the blade sits high enough not to occlude it when closed.


Glue this in place with epoxy.

Next I fitted the main scales. These are walnut with vulcanised fibre glued to one side. Note the shaping done at the front to allow the blade release to work. Use a compass to mark an arc based on the radius of the rocker switch + a bit; cut to this and sand the front edge before you fit the scales. Glue and clamp them in place. The glue will push through the holes in the handle and fill the recess for the blade, so needs to be wiped back before it sets.


Next shape the scales


Then apply a liberal dose of sandpaper and patience. Finish with tung oil and make a leather sheath.

Silky Pocketboy 130 handled with walnut and rosewood with turquoise vulcanised fibre inlay.



Thanks for looking.


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