pigeon recipe



hi all

im fed up with turkey every year for christmas dinner and am having a change this year .

i have decided to have pigeon instead of turkey

our family take turns every year for christmas dinner and this year we are off to the sister-in-law for our dinner , i have expressed that i would like pigeon instead of turkey .

she has agreed to do this for me but needs a recipe as she has never cooked pigeon before .

i bagged 2 nice young woddys at the beginning of the week and they are all clean and ready and now in the freezer , so please help me enjoy my festive dinner and give me some recipe ideas.

thanks in advance


robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
2 woodies ain't gonna feed many but my favourite is undoutedly pigeon pudding. Tell her to get a recipe for steak and kidney pudding and make it just the same. The rich meat with gooey steamed suet pastry is just sublime. Pigeon is the only meat which I like to be hung for a few days too. It doesn't go very gamey just gets rich and tender.


Aug 6, 2008
Like the sound of Robins suggestion. Also some interesting ideas in the link.

Might ba an idea to keep it fairly simple, or something where any 'tricky' bits can be done earlier ?

One we do through the shop we've had a good response to is :
...slit a little 'pocket' in each breast (don't worry if its not too perfect) put in a bit of good quality sausage meat, wrap round a bit of rindless streaky bacon (this also covers over any 'mistake' with the pocket) Cook in a hot oven for approx 30 / 35 minutes/ (can take it out sooner or later as you like).

Let us know what you finally go for and any tips from it ?


cheers guys , thats gave me some good ideas and ill pass them on to her .... and yes its only me who's having the pigeons , every one else is being boring and going with the turkey , although i will have a wee bit on my plate too

thanks again



Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
They're good pan seared in butter, removed onto an ashet and some finely chopped syboes fried in the jus. When those've gone sort of golden add two tablespoonsful of brown sugar, a mug of red wine, a small handful of raisins and some mixed spice.........a good dusting, like the butcher used to give beef ham. Stir well and pour over the doos. Cover with a bowl and put into a medium oven for, well mine's electric, so it's a bitty slower, I give them just shy of an hour.
The meat ought to almost fall off the bones like this and they come out smelling meaty, spicy, fruity, and get served with roast spuds, peas, glazed carrots and triangles of puff pastry. They disappear off the table quickly enough :rolleyes: :D

They can go dry so they need to be given moisture or sealed in some way to keep them juicy.

There are a fair load of pigeons about, you could try a few of the recipes and let folks know how you get on with them . The other one I use has them in a honey and whisky glaze with hare and ham. Not a lot in a pigeon, but two will do nicely for your dinner :)



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
does anyone know of farms that breed pigeons for the pot? there's loads of abandoned doocots still knocking about around here and I thought maybe they could be still be put to use...


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