Peak District - March & June trip planning and advice


Apr 12, 2008
Afternoon Folks,

Ok feel free to absolutely bombard us with info on this's what it's here for!

First of all, after attending the Middlewood Meet and being present at Twodogs Talk on expedition planning, myself and the other two members of “the young bunch” team BrianTrubshaw (Brian) and TheNative (Bill) have been truly inspired to go on some sort of longer trip. We’re going to start a little closer to home as we have the peak district on our doorstep. So my first question to you all is...can you recommend any:

  • Trails?
  • Specific locations or things to see? (i’ve heard about the overexposed nuclear bomber crash site etc...sounds kinda cool)
  • And any transport links?
I’ve noticed some places have train stations very close by, such as the one near “nether Padley” on google maps. (someone recommended padley gorge woods to me so I looked into it) 2 of us can drive, but would prefer not to have to leave the cars somewhere.

Things I feel you need to know are:

  • We plan on making this a 4-5 day hiking trip
  • We would preferably like to have some woodlands to pitch up in (hammocks) however this isn’t a necessity as i’ll be taking a tarp so could potentially bivvy.
  • We would also like to have some sort of water source so we dont have to carry all of it. I am planning on taking 2 litres and being able to collect the rest and treat it using puritabs or boiling. This will also be used for washing pots etc. So maybe following a river/stream?
  • If anyone wants to join us for a day or something...let me know! You’re all welcome.
My mind has gone totally blank with what else I was going to say but I’m sure bill or brian will be along soon enough to add to this, there is still enough here for people to make suggestions....

Kit lists will be posted shortly for you all to rip apart J

Ok that’s all for the June trip... however! To get a taste of the peak district and a kind of practice run, we are planning on doing a weekend Getting there Friday early eve (5ish) and leaving Sunday afternoon in March. This will be more of a static camp, we will find a location and more than likely stay there the full weekend, or at least if we do move, we wont be going as far, so can anyone recommend us a location or area to head to at the end of march? The same sort of principles apply, woodland, water source etc. Kit lists will no doubt be posted for this as well. And once again, anyone can join us if they wish!

Thank you in advance


The Young Bunch!


Full Member
Aug 25, 2011
My stomping ground :)

1. Remember the rules about wild camping on BCUK

2. would you tarp it on low-key campsites? (legal but less populated)

3. What kind of miles would you like to put in per day?

I've got my thinking cap on ! ;)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
I can probably help you out with a good location for your static trip in March (depending on dates), it's a fairly common occurrence for BCUK folk to meet at my house and dump cars before heading off up the hill for a night or two out, you'd be more than welcome to do the same. Let me know

All the best,



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
Dependent on dates, I could well be up for joining near Stu's. :)

Some mint places round there.

You'd be more than welcome mate, maybe try somewhere a bit different? There's very little firewood left at the other spot, winter's done for it, wander over to the plantation? night on the moors? bivi against the back wall of the pub?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 15, 2010
You'd be more than welcome mate, maybe try somewhere a bit different? There's very little firewood left at the other spot, winter's done for it, wander over to the plantation? night on the moors? bivi against the back wall of the pub?

Soundin good :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
I used to do some climbing at Balck Rocks, worth a look but it might be a bit too popular now for you.

I'll keep an eye on the thread, it sounds very interesting. :)


Full Member
Aug 3, 2004
Harrow, Middlesex
You've lost me there chap, "grand hotel"?



It's a boulder at Stanage Plantation just below the main face. Got its name because it's a great place to spend the night before a big climb the next morning.

There are a few problems on the boulder itself, one amazingly hard one and one that's lots of fun.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.