Panel wipe


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Where's this list? :)

This post is prompted by running out of Coleman fuel last week in the middle of France and having to use unleaded for a couple of days. Ugh! I hate that stuff!

The thing that bothers me is that there are so many different panel wipes. 'Naptha' is just a generic term for various hydrocarbons so it doesn't mean one single thing (check it out on Wikipedia for more info). To be safe you really need the Material Safety Data Sheet for the particular panel wipe that you're proposing to use in a stove.


I used to have a grass cutting round and tried a 123r petrol stove on the mower petrol to make a brew ---stinking stuff with black smuts so I bought 5ltr's of 4T this was also stinking stuff with black smuts but it ran the mower fine because thats what it's for "fuel for engines" with all sorts of additives for anti valve knock etc.You wouldn't be able to run an engine long on panel wipe before it burnt out as it has no additives.Material Safety Data Sheet have you one for "coleman" fuel then ?
The stuff I use doesn't even say Naptha on the tin it says U-POL 20:01 Fast Degreaser contains mixture of solvents :eek: it's £10 for 5ltr's and burns just fine in my collection of stoves and lanterns. just my thoughts cheers Danny


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
Sorry, I've asked the forum software to alert me to new posts to this thread but it doesn't seem to be doing it.

I used to have a grass cutting round and tried a 123r petrol stove on the mower petrol to make a brew ---stinking stuff with black smuts so I bought 5ltr's of 4T this was also stinking stuff with black smuts

You're sure it wasn't two-stroke? I have three or four 123s but I don't usually have the time to play with them I'm afraid. They should burn Aspen 4T no trouble, it's just a cleaner kind of petrol (er, sorry, gasoline for you Yanks).

but it ran the mower fine because thats what it's for "fuel for engines" with all sorts of additives for anti valve knock etc.

I thought the whole point of 4T was that it doesn't have all that stuff:

You wouldn't be able to run an engine long on panel wipe before it burnt out as it has no additives.

You might not be able to run most engines on panel wipe at all. That's probably why nobody has suggested it. :)

Material Safety Data Sheet have you one for "coleman" fuel then ?

The stuff I use doesn't even say Naptha on the tin it says U-POL 20:01 Fast Degreaser contains mixture of solvents :eek: it's £10 for 5ltr's and burns just fine in my collection of stoves and lanterns.

MSDS says Naptha, here: fast panel wipe.pdf

Looks like you shouldn't worry about burning that stuff in your stove, but please make sure it doesn't get into any watercourses.

Where do you get 5 litres for a tenner?

Oct 22, 2009
probably not the right thread, and probably been answered elsewhere..(but i can't find it) but i saw some comments here regarding fuels.....soooo my question is what fuels can be burned in a Trangia/Tatonka/penny stove ....before someone says 'rocket fuel' may i add SAFELY burned in the above stoves( i too am fond of my eyebrows)........thanks


Aug 5, 2005
South East London
probably not the right thread, and probably been answered elsewhere..(but i can't find it) but i saw some comments here regarding fuels.....soooo my question is what fuels can be burned in a Trangia/Tatonka/penny stove ....before someone says 'rocket fuel' may i add SAFELY burned in the above stoves( i too am fond of my eyebrows)........thanks

Methylated spirits is pretty much it for a trangia/tatonka. You may be able to use surgical spirit or indeed any other alcohol - put it in and use a long taper to light it (I'd suggest in the garden:D ) just to be on the safe side. ANY petrol or petroleum-based or naptha fuel is a no-no.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
probably not the right thread, and probably been answered elsewhere..(but i can't find it) but i saw some comments here regarding fuels.....soooo my question is what fuels can be burned in a Trangia/Tatonka/penny stove ....before someone says 'rocket fuel' may i add SAFELY burned in the above stoves( i too am fond of my eyebrows)........thanks

Meths, Ethanol, Methanol, surgical spirit is often too 'weak' to burn with any power.

NO petrol or paraffin or gel fuels (gel fuels leave a residue which block the jets).


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
Specsavers for you Ged, in the box for quantity enter 2, you then get the reduced postage on the second can.

Well that box doesn't work on my browser (Firefox, Linux) but my point was that it's nearly seven quid for ONE litre, not FIVE. So am I missing something, or should we make it a block booking at the optometrist? :)



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
Very sorry Ged, this is the link
The last link and this link works fine on my Firefox

When I put a number in the box it just erases it and goes back to a 1. No messages about any error or anything. Maybe I'd need to enable cookies for the site or something - sod that. I've sent an email to the seller asking for the MSDS, I'll keep you posted.

I went into a local trade paint supplier today and asked him for the sheet on his fast panel wipe. He asked why, and I explained. He didn't even bother going to get the sheet for me, just point blank refused to sell me any. He said that his panel wipe is for professional paint shops, different from the stuff you get in retail outlets (his words) and not suitable for burning at all as it would produce a lot of nasty fumes. He sent me to the other side of town to a chemicals supplier, said they'd have something. They were all on holiday. My sister says I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth, and even my solicitor says I'm the unluckiest guy he's ever met...

BTW where's that list? :)

And it's going to be a busy day at the ophthalmologists tomorrow then? :)



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
... a local trade paint supplier ... sent me to the other side of town to a chemicals supplier ... They were all on holiday.

Undeterred, I caught them at the place this morning. It went a bit like this:

Me: I want to buy something to use as a fuel.

Them: A fuel? You want to burn it? Ooooohhhh, we cant sell you anything to burn! No! HMRC would have our licence quick as a flash if we did that!

Me: Er... it's for my camping stove. I only want a few litres.

Them: Customs and Excise comes around here regular. They're always trying to catch us out. They have targets. We have to sign something to say we won't sell anything for use as a fuel. Our customers have to sign something to say they won't burn anything we sell to them. We have to account to HMRC for every flaming litre we sell and if they found out we'd sold something to somebody who was going to burn it they'd close us down.

Me: Huh?

Them: It's Customs and Excise that's the problem. Try one of the oil companies, they can sell fuels.

Me: I did that first. It took months and I got nowhere. That's why I'm here.

Them: Well you're stuffed then, 'cause we can't sell you anything. Sorry.




We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.