Paleo diet

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We all are born Lactose tolerant.
I was tought 30+ years ago in med school that Lactose intolerance can happen two ways:
1: we stop to drink milk and then lose the production of the enzymatic system, a normal body reaction.
2: we lose the enzymatic system despite drinking milk. This is a pathologic reaction.

I am sure sciense has better understanding, knowledge and explanation today though.
personally I stopped drinking milk and developed the intolerance. I am fine with proper aged cheeses, and small amounts if Lactose free milk, small amounts in my cofee, or in sauces.

There are at lest some reports that it is an inducible enzyme[1,2], but others claim not[3] (i.e. production may be restarted if you start ingesting it, but don't expect it to be instant). I would not be surprised if there is a huge genetic variation here...

A forumer asked about recommendations of Paleo diets.
We have. So we did not diverge too much. But I think he got a bit angry when we started disding it as a dad.

I have bern extensively tested and the only physical intolerance I have is against Lactose.
Now the Mental intolerances and allergies, that is a different story!

The forum member asked if anyone had followed or did follow the paleo diet so he could ask some questions of them.....
M-O-T - Ignore the name of it and try it for 3 months - you'll have your answer then and have learned about how YOUR body reacts to food types.
Learn to make it yourself? Or do you live in one of those countries so afraid of vampires that they prohibit the sale of blood for consumption?

That is a slightly inflated price: you are paying almost USD 8 more than it is worth. Yes, I am spoiled.

Blood is not prhibited, just not imported and sold. Some dishes do need Lingonbery, Cranberry just will not do!

Seeing it from anither side, we are lucky somebody imports Lingonberry so we do have it if we need.
Morning all,
Curious as to if anyone has tried the above diet/eating regime?
I don't to spark arguements about diets/fads/eating less and moving more etc etc. I've done a bit of reading about it and i am just after some recommendations and suggestions possibly someone to pick brains of.
Thanks in advance

You do not need to ask.... you hit it on the head (sic) in your initial post. Brains was an important food source.
And yet a thread has had 3 pages of various diversification.

Usually the first 10 or do posts are on target, then, as everything has been said, further posts tend to go further snd further from the original topic.

A prime example is your post. And mine. 100% off topic. 100% off all topics in this thread.


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