Paid off !!!

stuart f

Full Member
Jan 19, 2004
Hawick, Scottish Borders
Hi folks, well in 8 weeks time i will be on the rock and roll(dole). The last time i got paid off work was,phew,20 years ago. I,ve been with the company 13 years now,but the down turn has caught up with them,so its good bye to all. Hmmm i wonder if the job centre still has cards on boards with job vacancies,like back in the early eighties :confused: , oh well i guess i will find out soon enough.

But i suppose there's always a bright side,if i do get a normal job elsewhere,and i get weekends off,then i will be able to attend more meetups :). Oi!! i heard some groans coming from the back of the forum there! and i'm sure there were a few rolling eyes also. :p

OH well,onwards and upwards,my old Ma used to say, theres never a dull moment in life, is there.

Anyway sorry, never mind me, i'm just rambling with me thoughts.

Thanks for listening.

Cheers Stuart.
Jul 12, 2012
Hi folks, well in 8 weeks time i will be on the rock and roll(dole). The last time i got paid off work was,phew,20 years ago. I,ve been with the company 13 years now,but the down turn has caught up with them,so its good bye to all. Hmmm i wonder if the job centre still has cards on boards with job vacancies,like back in the early eighties :confused: , oh well i guess i will find out soon enough.

But i suppose there's always a bright side,if i do get a normal job elsewhere,and i get weekends off,then i will be able to attend more meetups :). Oi!! i heard some groans coming from the back of the forum there! and i'm sure there were a few rolling eyes also. :p

OH well,onwards and upwards,my old Ma used to say, theres never a dull moment in life, is there.

Anyway sorry, never mind me, i'm just rambling with me thoughts.

Thanks for listening.

Cheers Stuart.

No cards mate, you get crappy Windows terminals that print of what looks like a till receipt you then take it to the guy who then gives you the contact info and if you don't apply it can effect your JSA claim.

What is it you do / did?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Sorry to hear the job woes, Stuart :sigh:
Good advice to start to look now and not until the final payday though, and we'll hope something better comes up for you :)
Very best of luck.


Shambling Shaman

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 1, 2006
In The Wild
Sorry to hear that Stuart, keep your chin up and start job hunting now.ATB

Good advice to start to look now and not until the final payday though, and we'll hope something better comes up for you :)
Very best of luck.

Agreed, don't wait, and start working on your cv, mine was well out of date last time I needed it and took some time to sort out.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
It's a tough time to find jobs these days [at least any meaningful ones] took me 2 year from uni to get a 'proper' job, lots of frustrating visits to the job centre - most of the time they were completely amazed that someone who went to the job centre actually WANTED a job [a relativley good one] and were totally ill equipped to deal with it. They were more used to scum-of-the-earth who had no interest in actually working and just wanted to bum off the state:(

Anyway enough doom and gloom, at least you've had a job recently - and held it for 13 years so that shows something, as stated start looking now, get your c.v. sorted and even send a batch out to prospective looking companies - you never know - many jobs aren't advertised in the job centre.

Good luck.


Jun 24, 2012
Angus, Scotland
To my knowledge, the Job Centre never found anyone a job, ever. When I was unemployed the Job Centre was just where I went to be sneered at every 2 weeks as a requirement for getting dole money,

Eventually I emailed an old boss of mine and he gave me my old job back. Do not under any circumstances follow the Job Centre's prescribed method of job seeking - it will result in long term unemployment.

Call, write to or email anyone you know. Failing that try to get into see someone at companies you want to work at. Do not go through the official "application form" route if you can possibly avoid it.


Full Member
Sorry to hear that Stuart, keep your chin up and start job hunting now.


Yeah I am with you on this one as I am with "the try getting your CV sorted now" comment. Stick with it and keep on plugging.

It's a tough time to find jobs these days [at least any meaningful ones] took me 2 year from uni to get a 'proper' job, lots of frustrating visits to the job centre - most of the time they were completely amazed that someone who went to the job centre actually WANTED a job [a relativley good one] and were totally ill equipped to deal with it. They were more used to scum-of-the-earth who had no interest in actually working and just wanted to bum off the state:(

mousey that was possibly the view that others may have taken about me when I was looking for a job after having been made redundant. I know it was not meant to cause offense, however you may have just done so.

I was looking for work for nearly 5 years before getting totally hacked off with the rebuffs, the total lack of response from most jobs that I applied for and the general apathy with which I was treated, which was actually why I went self employed.

It was actually a member of the Job Center Staff who suggested this path and I am glad that they did. They also provided a lot of support through a self employment advisor. It was a lot of hard work, but ultimately worth it.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
.....Hmmm i wonder if the job centre still has cards on boards with job vacancies,like back in the early eighties :confused: ........

i think that maybe you're in for a little bit of a surprise, for starters the job centre is the last place you want to go to sign on, literally. what you need to do is phone jobcentre plus 08000556688 and speak to them. they'll arrange a telephone interview for you at a later date, then you have the interview, then they send you a load of semi-completed forms to check over, then and only then do you need to go to your local job centre, where you'll be interviewed by a new claims adviser to make sure that all the information that you gave them and they printed and posted you and then you checked over is correct, then you have an interview with a back to work adviser and you get to go over at least half of the information for a final time, by which time you'll have forgotten completely about jobs on cards and will be heading to the pub shacking your head and grumbling things like "progress?!?!? progress my ****!!!!

apparently it's all much more efficient this way!

luckily you don't have to go to the jobcentre to view vacancies anymore though, you can search them all online here: (although that does also mean that you can't steal the cards off the boards anymore so that no-one else applies:rolleyes:)

the best of luck for the future stuart




Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
Eventually I emailed an old boss of mine and he gave me my old job back. Do not under any circumstances follow the Job Centre's prescribed method of job seeking - it will result in long term unemployment.

Call, write to or email anyone you know. Failing that try to get into see someone at companies you want to work at.......

but what you're describing there is exactly the kind of advise that the job centre give you, contacting previous employers is one of the first things that they suggest you do, and it obviously worked for you :dunno:


Jun 24, 2012
Angus, Scotland
but what you're describing there is exactly the kind of advise that the job centre give you, contacting previous employers is one of the first things that they suggest you do, and it obviously worked for you :dunno:

Not the job centre I went to.

Read the papers, apply for 2 minimum wage jobs a week and keep a diary to prove you're not sitting on your bum all day. Strangely enough they became much less hostile toward me when I became dispirited and just sat there like a zombie signing whatever they put in front of me. I was unemployed for 9 months before I eventually declared myself self-employed just to get away from that place. I didn't make any money while self employed, hence getting in touch with my old boss.

The "Job Centre" is nothing to do with jobs. It is a benefits office. The best place to find jobs is anywhere other than the job centre.

Although I'm not saying this to be negative stuart f. I'm just cautioning you not to believe the "we're here to help" propaganda you get at the Job Centre. If you find a job it will be by your own efforts. My sister in law got a job she first saw advertised at the job centre, but she didn't just fill in the application form they handed her and twiddle her thumbs. She got in touch with the company and had an actual conversation with them.

You need to find a way to stand out from the pile of names on pieces of paper.
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Sorry to hear that Stuart
lisa had the same thing happen to her whilst she was pregnant (peeved don't come close to how i felt/feel)
she signed up with a website called (no connection other than it finding her not one but two jobs) which will email you everyday with a search of all the key words you put in for jobs
for example i would put in 'senior' 'learning disabilities' 'care' 'supported living' and any of these words in a job advert will cause it to appear

as others have said chin up it could be the motivation to find a change/do something you didn't expect

Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
Good hunting bro.

Last time I went to the job centre with one of my girls there were security guys at the door and asked what are you here for ?????

stuart f

Full Member
Jan 19, 2004
Hawick, Scottish Borders
Thanks for the support folks, i'm sure something will turn up.

I believe that i you are prepared to do anything, then there will be a job out there.

Again many thanks to all,for the words of encouragement.

Cheers Stuart.


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