Oil Leather Dye - Hazardous?

A few weeks ago I ordered some stuff from tandy to see what their service was like and was pretty good, might be a tad more expensive than LePrevo, I didn't do a complete check :eek: .

Anyways, i got a phone call from Tandy about some Feibings Oil Leather Dye that I had as part of the order and was informed that it was a hazardous substance and that it would have to be shipped by another courier for an extra cost of course. So I decided on a water based dye which was ok to go with the rest of the package. It was also mentioned that water based dye would be replacing the oil based stuff in the future.

Now this is the first I have heard about this and I have not had any problems ordering oil based dyes before from LePrevo. Does anyone out there know anything about this?

I have no complaints about the water based dye, in fact it worked alot better than the oil based one.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
As I live not a stone's throw from LePrevo, I often call in when in Newcastle. If I want oil dye in the large bottles, I now have to phone up the day before so they can bring it to the shop for me.

I asked why this was and they said for fire insurance purposes. It's the same reason they don't keep solvent adhesive any more. They keep all that stuff in a special store room at a separate location.

So it would seem that oil dyes are catagorised as a hazardous substance by the fire brigade (who check the premises) and the insurers.

I would imagine the Post Office would view it in the same light then. If the rules have just recently come into force, it may take a little while for all the vendors to read from the same hymn page.



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