Oh those bears


Feb 21, 2010
Rupert's Land
Depending on where one lives, bears are seen a lot or a little. Here I'll see several over the course of the summer, so not many at all, but they're always around.
Here's one caught crossing a road

It's amazing how such a black colour disappears within a few feet of entering the bush.

Sometimes they can be spotted swimming

And don't mind posing for the camera:) They are excellent swimmers and can swim much farther than most people realize

More common is seeing signs of their presence. Here in an old burned area is evidence of bears tearing logs apart to get at the ants within. This much ant feeding activity is common in the spring, before the berries come out


A fresher bit of sign

Here a leveled off anthill, one among many in this muskeg area, is another sign of bears in the area

In the fall, bears leave some rather large deposits as they gorge on blueberries, crowberries and cranberries

Quite often you may not see them, but you can be assured that they see you. They blend into their surroundings so well that they can watch you and observe your camp without your knowledge, just waiting for you to leave so they can move in and cause mischief, or completely destroy all you've left behind. Oh those bears...;)

Edit to add:
It's not just your camp that's subject to vandalism, but even a vehicle is not safe. I have had many tires bitten through the sidewalls when leaving a vehicle unattended in the bush.
Nothing is exempt is seems, as gasoline cans, motor oil, rubber fuel lines on an outboard motor, quad seats, rubber covered handlebars, plastics, snowmobile seats (for anyone unlucky enough to not have indoor storage over the summer) and almost anything man made, are all at risk.
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Aug 30, 2013
Awesome to here about bears and the mischief that they can cause! Its one animal I've never seen in the wild that I really want to.

Love the swimming bear picture too.

Whit Spurzon

Aug 20, 2011
The Oregon Territory
Great pictures!

We have two regulars that frequent our property. I've not managed to get any quality pictures except on my game camera.

This is "Mr. Wooley"

We think he's 4 or 5 years old. He's usually after grubs when he is on our property as evidenced by all the torn up stumps and logs.


This one we call 'Chubby Boo Boo'

He specializes in Deer fawns. Completely wiped out the Mule Deer fawns and got a good percentage of the Whitetail fawns this year. He's the first Bear to get fat each year. Even early spring he's put on more weight than the others by a good margin. I haven't seen him in a few months and probably won't again this year but he tops 300 pounds by fall.

So far we've not had any issues with the Bears doing property damage. A few neighbors who barbeque, feed the birds or don't manage their garbage well have though. They don't typically survive long and frequently end up as rugs and some mighty tasty dinners.


Bear backstrap steaks. Delicious!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.