Off to look at an allotment...

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All sage advice. Cheers guys.

Flav, going every day is simply not possible for me. So it's going to need to be hardy veg to say the least.

I think my priority is going to be clearing it out first. I'd like to see what I've got before I start building. There are already the boards of raised beds in there but as you saw it's all very over grown. I'll try and clear a bed at a time and go from there.

There was a reasonable amount of wood on the plot so I'm hoping it will be in good enough shape to go into building a shed but we shall see.

That's were your problems might start then in my opinion, I had a mate who took on a allotment at the same time as me , he too worked away and was always on a losing battle as he would clear a bit go away for work and come back and have to start clearing that bit again, then when he did manage to get stuff in the ground he lost most of it through the summer as he could not water it properly.
Again it's only my opinion and I hope you get as much enjoyment out of yours as I do, and as already stated theirs not much that tastes better than something picked and in the pot within minutes.
Get some carpets, not synthetic ones, and when you clear a patch cover it with the carpet, wool side down and it will restrict growth of weeds etc.
Certain weeds can take over 1 tear to deal with like that ground elder and bind weed just a couple, and just check your rules as on mine were not allowed to use carpet or cardboard like that for some reason
I'll be getting a pack through in a couple of weeks with all the rules/regs.

I'm currently wondering if I could build a water 'tower' with a slightly raised water butt. I'm sure there are some restrictions but it would solve my running water issues.

To give the equivalent of mains pressure Andy, you would need to raise it many metres. We use a pump to boost the pressure on ours (we keep about 10,000 litres of rainwater). I guess though that you would also need to run a genny to power the pump!
hmm. I'd have to find out what the restrictions are but I guess the theory is sound enough. It wouldn't have to travel far but might be more hassle than its worth.

All the best
My Granny used an old stirrup pump.....well to be honest, me and my bother did :D

Remarkably effective for shifting water if the valves are good.

You sound like your quite a handy bloke, I found some instructions on line for a little home made wind turbine using a bike wheel and dynamo which ran to battery's to store the energy that should give you enough power to run a small pump on a timer from a water butt, sorry if I've put a dampener on your plans but it's bad enough losing your hard worked veg to birds, animals and bugs than losing it because you can't water it.
Not at all - I fully expected there to be a few challenges but as i said in the original post I'm quite new to it so a little naive no doubt.

Handy yes I know my way round a hammer. I'd certainly be interested to see those plans if you have a link Flav?

I'm desperate to get stuck in and see what I've actually got to work with. I've designs for a shed or at least a sheltered area to sit and have a wee brew. Rigging up a water butt from there is no hassle. Perhaps I can get friendly with the locals and exchange manual labour for watering... That said if next summer is as wet as the one we just had?
There is a nice cast iron bench on the plot which looked in good condition so that will be incorporated one way or another.

I'll be honest and say I'm as tight as a crabs :censored: so I'll be scrounging as much as I possibly can.

I'll have a look for the plans mate and most people are tight on allotments lol what you can't get for free or traded should not be used lol, it's amazing how many jobs a pallet can complete.
I've just had a quick look around and can't find the exact one that I looked at but if you just pop in homemade wind turbine you should be able to find one for your needs
Fair enough. Cheers for trying. I'll have a wee look and see what I can find. I like pallets, I build my workbench out of a couple of them along with some scrounged wood from a building site.

I'm stuck in Aberdeen with highly erratic internet. It's working fine just now though. :)

All the best
Will ask the better half when she gets in as I printed it out and she has obviously stored it somewhere only she knows lol, I'm in the process of dismantling 40 of them to build fences round mine, hut the weather is beating me set the moment
I'll be getting a pack through in a couple of weeks with all the rules/regs.

I'm currently wondering if I could build a water 'tower' with a slightly raised water butt. I'm sure there are some restrictions but it would solve my running water issues.


Something like 14 metres for one bar pressure, tap water is often three bar...

I tried the water tank at 1mtr and it was totally pathetic, so I stuck a pump on it...

Hopefully this link will work to show you most of the system I set up, haven't found the pump and genny operating yet though.
Cool. I doubt I'll be able to get something like that running. But it's nice to know it can be done. A pump is certainly something to look into though.



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