odd found in the forest...

i went for a short walk this afternoon and found a large lump (ca. size of a human head) of finely-shredded cedar bark on the ground. this is not the 1st time i found them laying around but so far i have no clue reg. their origin... . my guess would be some sort of nest material, but looking up in the surrounding trees i never managed to find a nest.... nor marks on trees created when pulling of bark, either... . my guess would be squirrel but they seem to be rather rare around here- i saw only one time a japanese squirrel since arriving... .

anyone a suggestion what might be their origin?! (btw.: it makes great material for fire starting:campfire: )


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
Could it have been pulled from a hole in the ground (I realise it would have to be got from a tree first) as bedding for some sort of rodent or ground squirrel, or from a tree hole? I don't know what creatures you have around you. It sounds like nest clearing activity, removing the bedding from last year's den to replace it with fresh (good way of removing parasites like fleas).


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