Nov '07 Midlands Meet.


Full Member
May 2, 2007
To start with I'll quote the previous thread:

'And ... here we go again

As I said in the thread above I spent a bit of time networking this past weekend and I've been asked if I'd put together a bushcraft 'type' weekend for a few people (non-forum members at the mo) and would like to offer the chance to members of the forum to come along and join in.

The location will, again, be Rough Close Campsite and their preferred weekend is 16-18 November - though they'll be ok with the following weekend if that's better for forum members - anyone up for a late autumn Midlands meet?'

I'll be in contact this evening with the bods at this end to chat about dates.
Oh ...... and if you're a member on this forum and a bod at my end please let me know so we end with an accurate list (I know you're out there Dave!)

So .... who wants to come along then?


Full Member
May 2, 2007
I've had confirmation at this end that the weekend of 9 to 11 of November will be ok; so hopefully you'll have your under-blanket by then skint :D .

As there isn't much time I'm going to be looking for quick decisions as to who wants to come along and I need to book the site by the end of this week!

Would anyone be interested in using the sites air-rifle and/or archery ranges? its traverse walls? orienteering courses?


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Time to bump - but only bedause I'm working on a relatively short time frame for this one :burnout: :D .

Due to requirements at this end this Meet will be a bit more structured than the one we've just had (but not much) - feel free to chill, tootle about or join in.
I touted out some ideas at this end and what we're aiming to do is to get a bit of ground covered on some basics - namely natural shelters, fire lighting, cutting work (inc. safety), and backwoods cooking.


Oct 25, 2007
Would definitely be interested- have to hold up hands and cry newbie though! But willing to put in work and make tea :240:


Full Member
May 2, 2007
No worries Orca - I looked for your age but couldn't find it - a requirement from the bods at my end is that any participant is 18+ or has a parent/guardian with them.
All are welcome - newbies, oldies and even grumpy old bushcrafters :cool: . A fair number of the 7+ are coming to learn new 'stuff', if you decide that you want to come just add yourself to the list.

Important notes to all.

The site we're using is a scout campsite and their rules apply - irrespective of personal opinion/feelings/beliefs etc.

This next bit is an emotive subject and not aimed at anyone on this site - I do, however, feel that it's right that I put it on the record.

The safety, security, health and happyness (etc) of the who use the site are absolutely and unequivocally the top priority; if for any reason a member of this forum shouldn't be around young people (under 18) please stay away - this also applies to any allegations which are currently being investigated.


Oct 25, 2007
No worries Orca - I looked for your age but couldn't find it - a requirement from the bods at my end is that any participant is 18+ or has a parent/guardian with them.
All are welcome - newbies, oldies and even grumpy old bushcrafters :cool: . A fair number of the 7+ are coming to learn new 'stuff', if you decide that you want to come just add yourself to the list.

WELL over 18 :D - I am also coming to learn new stuff- as long as nobody calls me grasshopper.........

err.. which list?


Full Member
May 2, 2007
This one
List now stands at:

decorum (+7)

It's very easy to miss short lists - see post #5.

I've added you to the list; it now stands at:

decorum (+7)

Most (if not all) of the info you'll need is in the previous thread but I'll get my act together and transfer the stuff you'll need between now and the start of next week.
The level/type of experience people at this meet have will probably vary widely, the only thing I can guarantee is that we've all got stuff which we would like to learn and practice.

Feel free to ask questions :D


Full Member
May 2, 2007
First of all: my apologies for such a long post
Second: Although this may seem a bit OTT it's here to try to make you and yours feel a bit more secure; where you are, that you/they can be contacted inthe unlikely event of an emergency etc. As with the previous Meet I'll PM my mobile number to those attending closer to the date - but only if they request it (by PM or post)

From Post #63 (modified using Post# 116) of the previous thread:

In the interest of knowledge, health, safety, enjoyment, openness etc…..etc…..etc

Please read the whole of this post:

This next one deals with costs: List 06.pdf
The camping fees for those staying from the Friday until the Sunday is £6 per person.
Staying over for one night will cost £3 (each),
Visiting for 3 hours per day is £0.75 (each),
Visiting for 6 hours per day is £1.75 (each).

For those who intend to bring cutting tools - have a read through this thread and in particular post #2:

I've not been to a meet before and as far as I'm aware I don't really know any of the any of the members of this forum. I thought it'd be everyone’s best interest if I put in place some kind of guidance as to what I think would be in the best interest for a group of strangers who are getting together for a weekend.

Rules and Responsibilities:

Although I’m doing a bit of admin that’s where my responsibilities end.

An individual's thoughts, beliefs, sense of humour etc. are just that - individual. My thought on this matter is that if anyone says or does something to upset someone else that person should have the freedom to say so (and that it should be said in a polite manner) openly and without the fear of recrimination or ostracism. Once something has been said, it's been said; so let the subject lie and leave it alone.

1. You are responsible for yourself, your kit and your food (before, during and after the Meet). You are also responsible for getting, safely, to and from the Meet.
2. Although I’m willing to collect together the camping/visitor fees and pay the site, you are responsible for bringing the money and giving it to me (and those of any dependant with you).
3. Prior to arrival you should know how to safely use the kit you’re going to use.
4. Don’t borrow anyone else’s kit without asking first. If they say no then respect that answer. If they say yes take note of any and all instruction they give on its use.
5. If you need to borrow kit for the Meet free to ask on this thread. If you do borrow something it becomes your responsibility, it should go back to the owner as clean and tidy (and working!) as possible.
6. If you damage someone else’s kit you should be prepared to make reparations (borrowed or not!).
7. Respect the site and its other users. Please keep any bad language to an absolute minimum and quiet – it might hurt but the people the other side of the bushes usually don’t want or need to know.
8. Don’t use sharp/heavy/burny etc stuff if you’re feeling tired or unwell.
9. The ability to do emergency runs to A&E is important so if alcohol is consumed please ensure that at least two drivers are sober (I can’t drink OR drive).
10. You are responsible for both bringing any prescribed medication you need and taking it.
11. I’ll put out a health form to all those who confirm that they’re coming to the meet. This will need to be filled in and put in a sealed envelop (with your name written clearly on it) then given to me when you arrive (this way the contents will remain absolutely confidential - unless you have a serious incident). This form will require emergency home contact details and phone number(s) – preferably next-of-kin, don’t panic!!! In the highly unlikely event of you requiring serious medical attention the easy availability of this information would mean that the medical authorities don’t have to find out who they need to get permission from and then track them down
12. If you have an on going medical condition that people around you may need to know about please tell us (either in this thread or at the Meet). E.g. I have Epilepsy which becomes a problem when I’m tired – this shouldn’t cause any great problem at the Meet but complying with #7 could be problematic to someone who has tourettes (sp??)
13. You are responsible for your own actions (and those of any dependants with you) - if it’s not on this list it doesn’t automatically mean that it’s ok to do it!
14. If you think that someone's doing something unsafe then tell them (politely).

And from Post #107:
And finally [/B](For this post anyway) Post #111:

Please copy and paste the form below into Word (or other of your choice).

============================== ============================== =
Emergency Home Contact and Personal Information Form.

This form should be folded and put in a sealed envelope - for each person attending!. Please write the name of the
person the form relates to across the seal as well as on the front of the envelope.
The envelope will only be opened in the unlikely event that you require serious
medical attention.

Please fill out two copies of this form! Leave one copy with a responsible person prior to
leaving home (18+ for legal reasons) and pass the other to the form holder as soon as you arrive
at the Meet.

Place of Meet:
Address: .............................. .............................. ......................
.............................. .............................. ......................
.............................. .............................. ......................
.............................. .............................. ......................
.............................. .............................. ......................
Site Contact Number (So you can be contacted whilst you are away)
(.............) ............................
Date: From: ........../........../.......... To: ........../........../..........
Time Leaving home: ........................

Estimated time of Arrival at Meet: ...................

Estimated Time leaving Meet: .................

Estimated Time of Arrival at Home: .......................

Emergency Contact Name: .............................. .............................

Relationship: .............................. .........................

Primary Home Contact Phone Number:
(..........) ...................
Other Number(s):
(..........) ...................
(..........) ...................
(..........) ...................
Emergency Contact Address: .............................. .............................
.............................. .............................. ...........................
.............................. .............................. ...........................
.............................. .............................. ...........................
Relationship: .............................. ............................

Medical Condition(s): .............................. .................
.............................. .............................. ...
.............................. .............................. ...
.............................. .............................. ...

Name and dosage of ANY Medication being taken:
.............................. .............................. .................
.............................. .............................. .................
.............................. .............................. .................
.............................. .............................. .................
============================== ============================== =====


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I might be able to come, but it is dependant on babysitters.

I will not be bringing the children as I normally do to meets. I plan to get there completely by public transport on friday. Some help with planning by someone local to meet would be helpful, but I can read a map otherwise.

I don't think it matters much but I am enhanced CRB checked, experienced with seizure protocols and management, and prepared to do lesson on fungi and or plants. I can't sharpen shiny things and I would like a lesson if anyone likes to show me. I will eat wild plants/fungi while there.


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Hi xylaria,

Which type of public transport? - there's a railway stop a mile(ish) from the site - just tell/ask me what you need to know. If you'd like to come I'll find a pick up for you (and drop off, I presume).
The site has quite good biodiversity :D
The site has proviso's on whether you need CRB's but, at least for the moment, it isn't going to be an issue for us.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Thanks decorum,
I can walk a mile with my kit, and my dodgy joints. Camping with kids all the time teaches you to pac light. Whats is the station called so I can plan the journey? Is there bus routes from a main station?


Full Member
May 2, 2007
The local stop is Tile Hill Station. National Rail Enquiries:
Depending on where in Staffordshire you're coming from you *should* be able to get a train to Tile Hill without having to change :D (You can from Stafford anyway).
Getting off the train at Coventry Station would mean that you'd then have to catch a bus to Pool Meadow (Coventry's main bus Terminous) and then try to navigate your your way around it- :confused: :red: :BlueTeamE :nono: :aargh4: :nutkick: :twak: :buttkick: :yuck: :AR15firin :1244: :argue: :censored: :swordfigh :tapedshut :cussing: :banghead: :why: (and I'm a local :lmao: ) then catch a bus which you'd get off just up the road from Tile Hill Station.
Most of the walk from the station is along an unlit *fast* road so you might feel happier with a pick-up (tbh I'd feel happier - whoever's on pick-up duty would be CRB'd).

And I'll gladly swap shiney for fungi :cool:


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Hi xylaria - looking forward to meeting you :cool:

Hi Fallow Way, no the weekend in question is the previous Friday to Sunday; 09 - 11th.

decorum (+7)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.