Not Happy


Jan 9, 2007
king lynn
Evening to you all
myself and my two boys were in are local woods today and as we sat in the quiet area of the woods doing some carving and such like 13 lads came over with axes and saws some of the lads i know. They said to me that they had a meeting with the land owner and he said that they could clear what trees they needed so they can make a dirt track for moto crossers.This wood has loads of wild life and is going to be messed up with litter and noise pollution is the land owner allowed to do this with out any permission


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
If I remember rightly that if the landowner is going to charge rental or anything to use the track then he's allowed up to 26 occasions/days to have 'alternate' of his land without planning permission required. If it's to be more that 26 days he need planning permission.

If he just lets a few people use it without charge as and when I don't think he needs it. Best thing is to go online and check what your local council policies are. Alternatively go and see a planning officer at your local council for advice.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I can't see why not unless the land is subject to a preservation order, SSSI etc. Clearly if there is rare or endangered wildlife then you could contact the relevant authority to see if they can help.

I assume you know the landowner since you were sat in a quiet area of his wood carving? Why not discuss your concerns with him.

At days end, the motocrossers may well be paying him to use his land. If he's not breaking any rules and is ganing an income why not? One of the local farms here have grass track events and another place has quad bike tracks and an activity centre - both still have loads of wildlife. I wouldn't worry too much - be grateful he lets you carve on his land and happy that he is getting an income from it provided he's not breaking any rules

Nov 29, 2004
wootton woods in kings lynn and the owner is mr howard the local conservative councillor

He's a conservative councilor, if enough of his constituents make use of his wood but aren't happy about the motocross thing then I'd imagine it would be quite easy to change his mind.

Ask around, maybe you can get a petition started?


Apr 4, 2007
Southend On Sea
I pdpon't think what he's doing is illegal, but i wouldn't worry about a few kids on bikes every now and then, maybe ask them when they'll be there and try and just go at seperate times? if you're really concerned for the safety of the wildlife, then maybe have a chat with the landowners and the boys and talk to them about the importance of not ruining the woodland., i'm sure thay'll be fine
Jul 15, 2006
I'm surprised that he's given permission for such a potentially dangerous activity on his land. Someone, most likely him, is going to have to have a fairly huge public liability insurance policy in force to cover the eventuality of one of the moto-crossers falling off and injuring themselves, or crashing into someone and injuring them. Especially if there are any public rights of way on the land!

Perhaps he hasn't realised that if one of the bikers cocks it up and injures themselves or someone else, as landowner having given consent for the use of his land he's probably going to be liable for damages...............................perhaps something to bring to his attention maybe?


Jan 9, 2007
king lynn
I'm surprised that he's given permission for such a potentially dangerous activity on his land. Someone, most likely him, is going to have to have a fairly huge public liability insurance policy in force to cover the eventuality of one of the moto-crossers falling off and injuring themselves, or crashing into someone and injuring them. Especially if there are any public rights of way on the land!

Perhaps he hasn't realised that if one of the bikers cocks it up and injures themselves or someone else, as landowner having given consent for the use of his land he's probably going to be liable for damages...............................perhaps something to bring to his attention maybe?

Cheers for that there is alot of public access to this land and the lads often ride with no helmets


Jun 2, 2008
East Lothian, Scotland
I'm surprised that he's given permission for such a potentially dangerous activity on his land. Someone, most likely him, is going to have to have a fairly huge public liability insurance policy in force to cover the eventuality of one of the moto-crossers falling off and injuring themselves, or crashing into someone and injuring them. Especially if there are any public rights of way on the land!

Perhaps he hasn't realised that if one of the bikers cocks it up and injures themselves or someone else, as landowner having given consent for the use of his land he's probably going to be liable for damages...............................perhaps something to bring to his attention maybe?

Absoutely - he also is surely quite anxious about group of lads on his land with sharps taking down anything in thier way - I certainly would not like to be the one that has to say " yes well I did say they could clear the land but i didnt know that someone would loose an eye/hand/arm/leg" etc etc,


Aug 9, 2005
As one of a former group of kids aged 10-16 who went for a few years before a friendly farmer gave us the ok to make a track in one of his woods....
...I'll get my coat. :sulkoff:

Don't get me wrong, I have sympathy for you too. It's just that this is a big event for these kids.
Judging by the lads I charged around with you're maybe even be looking at kids who may end up with a greater love of the outdoors than others by virtue of spending all their spare time in the woods.
Maybe, maybe not. Maybe I just remember how much faith I felt my parents had in me, letting me out with the bike at that age. My first solo night out camping(outside the garden) was up the wood on the bike.

I doubt if you're looking for sympathy though. There was a thread started during the winter about an area threatened by property developers. It came up with all sorts of great ideas, listing endangered species and the likes, might be worth a read.
Can't say I was thinking about it much at the time but what wildlife there was didn't appear affected. Deer would be scared off but came back again, the mink didn't care, nor did the fish at either of the fords. I dare say the squirrels didn't like it much. Birds are funny things, some will ignore all sorts of noises and others will panic and scold.

....or you could pick up a wee dirtbike and join the fun. Ditch the helmet every now and then for a few relaxed laps.:burnout:


Jan 9, 2007
king lynn
went to the local woods today and just as i thought there was rubbish all over the place they had a fire and dumped a plastic bag full of rubbbish on it they have cut down 34 silver birch and 16 pine trees and the place is a tip dont think i will be going there anymore


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
went to the local woods today and just as i thought there was rubbish all over the place they had a fire and dumped a plastic bag full of rubbbish on it they have cut down 34 silver birch and 16 pine trees and the place is a tip dont think i will be going there anymore

I could not help myself and went again and they have set fire to part of the wood as well now

If they're setting fire to the woods speak to your local fire brigade fire officer. If they're doing as you say they are the fire brigade won't be at all happy at having to come out for some dumb people who are setting fires when they are needed for a real emergency.

Also take pictures of the damage, speak other people who might be affected then speak to the press and see if that makes a difference.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Or write to and phone the land owner and encourage others to do so.

Here are his contact details...

I can feel a stiff email coming along any moment

bla bla bla

Mr Angry"

Looking at the link, the chap is in charge of Special Projects, what does that mean? Maybe allowing youngsters the freedom to 'discover/empower/develop' themselves? If he grants uncontrolled access year round, he could well fall foul of the H&S and insurance company to name just two. Where is the nearest toilet / hand washing facilities? Maybe the local Environmental Health Dept could be worth a call ?

Take and post some pictures please

Evening to you all
myself and my two boys were in are local woods today and as we sat in the quiet area of the woods doing some carving and such like 13 lads came over with axes and saws some of the lads i know. They said to me that they had a meeting with the land owner and he said that they could clear what trees they needed so they can make a dirt track for moto crossers.This wood has loads of wild life and is going to be messed up with litter and noise pollution is the land owner allowed to do this with out any permission

i had quite some problems in the past with illegal motocrossing(not on their own land!!!) as well. beside the above mentioned trouble they also broke trees or ripped of branches just for fun- you can still after years see where such an illegal motocrossing track has been. and their behavior towards me was everything but friendly nobody cared and/or did something about it.

Before you do something. Better talk with the owner and to environmental groups!

"disappointed by the monkeys, god created man. then he renounced to further experiments." mark twain


Apr 17, 2008
i had local quadbikers on sundays within hearing distance of my home.which is in quiet rural area. they are limited to a specific number of days a year forget how many.
was orrible to hear. (im not against kids having fun)
i got a petition started i wrote the petition, copied it and gave it to my 12 neighbours to send off. they were also in hearing distance .
some were offended, and thought i was crazy, others sent it off. the quad biking stopped. i never heard anything about it again.
maybe it was just lucky. phew....
not good they be cutting down sure the land owner is aware of this....?
good luck and keep us posted ;)


Apr 17, 2008
ps to above. i do remember the council sending out people to measure the noise on the appointed sundays.
so the local council was involved, not the landowner who permitted the quad bikes. that is who the letters/petition were sent to.
BTW do they have to be so noisy?


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