Not exactly carving


Oct 22, 2009
Essex, UK
I have been making log stores to supplement and support my attempt to make a living from carving and greenwood work. I would appreciate comments on possible faults or improvements that could be made.

If anyone has plans for the roof of log stores I would appreciate a look as I am looking to make that part of the build easier. I am actually hoping to come up with a modular design that means I have a basic one meter square cube that can be built and then bolted to others to make life easier.

Here is one built to be level on a loping base, structure is 3x2s, 6x1s and feather edge for the roof.
It is eight feet long, six feet tall at the highest point and twenty eight inches deep.
Frame is coach bolted, slats are held on with decking screws and the feather edge with galvanized nails.


bigger pic



Jan 24, 2011
Victoria, Australia
Hi Baggy,

Looks nice, but a few of thoughts come to mind:

  • If you put those horizontal slats on the inside of the structure, then when the wood is loaded it will push against the uprights, rather than (try and) push the slats off
  • A diagonal cross-brace would help prevent it from slumping, especially as it gets older and knocked around a bit
  • You could include a “compartment” or shelf (perhaps at the top) to store some kindling and tinder ? Near the top will keep it driest and keep it to hand.
  • Some folk may not like the aesthetics, so you could include some kind of “frame” on the outside, end wall (or as required), so that a plant could be grown up it, or a fruit tree espaliered against it ?
  • You could include some kind of front covering too ? A fabric blind, or some light weight movable wooden slats ?
  • You could include some facility to store and axe / saw / splitting block ?
  • I guess you will offer to sell, install and refill these ? Don’t forget to put a plaque on it with your details so they can order the next fire wood load.
  • If you do, then offer to make up some “fire starter bundles”, ie a bunch of kindling and tinder (throw in a box of matches too) to help get the fires started – many folk struggle with this ! (Just last week Mrs A had a conversation with an acquaintance who couldn’t get BBQ briquettes lit with an entire box of commercial fire lighters) !

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Hi Baggy, Looks nice, but a few of thoughts come to mind:

Looks very good Baggy, and Vic's ideas are excellent too. How much wood does it hold in weight or cubic? Worth telling folks that too. And definitely your name-plate with contact details for refills. Like the tinder shelf and firelighter pack too.

Had you thought of offering lean-to versions? Lots of folk like them but there is the prob about water-seal beween wall and roof, and guttering along the front edge as the log-stoire roof would have to slope on down from the wall. You could suggest/offer them a rainwater store with this, the plastic fruitjuice containers are good for this and often free or only a couple of quid from the factory. They are often a ghastly blue colour but that's just a coat of paint :). And the are opaque so growth of slime on water not a prob.

You don't want a V between wall and store-roof as it will collect water, leaves, grass etc which will become soil that plants will root in by next spring :D and will definitely leak water to the firewood! Despite these probs it could be worth looking into as another thing to offer, they're all solvable without too much difficulty.
Very nice looking wood store there. I have made 4 of my own and improved the design each time. The best mod I have found to be is a larger overhang of the roof at the front. It does depend where they are in the garden though and which way the wind is blowing. The last 2 I made I went for black plastic corrugated roofing which I find better than featheredge boards, but it was donated to me so free! All mine are lean-to's and made from whatever I had lying about first and finished with bought timber. They are not as pretty as yours either. Also I have different depths in all my stores, my burner takes 15" logs max and I have 1 store that takes 1 layer deep of 15 inch logs, 1 that takes 15" logs 2 layers deep and 2 that take 2 layer deep of 7" to 10" logs. Hope this helps.


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