North Wood meet February 28~01March 2020 UPDATED post 33

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
1. Woodspirits 28~01
2. Diamond Dave 28-01
3. pieinthesky 28-01
4. Rumpole_stiltskin 28-01 TBC
5. Preper 28-01 TBC
6. MikeeMiracle 29-01
7. Hodge - 28 - 01
8. Bodge & Adam 28-01

Only just noticed this meet was on.

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1. Woodspirits 28~01
2. Diamond Dave 28-01
3. pieinthesky 28-01
4. Rumpole_stiltskin 28-01 TBC
5. Preper 28-01 TBC
6. MikeeMiracle 29-01
7. Hodge - 28 -01
8. Johnnyboy1971 28-01.
This will be our 11th year as a year round camping venue. I hold these meets every two months, normally over the last weekend where possible so a total of just six meets a year.

However, I have noticed a gradual decline in attendance not just here at North Wood but at other midland venues too, some of which have ceased meets altogether. Looking at other meets around the UK on BCUK I suspect this issue is not confined solely to the West Midlands.

This situation was apparent at our recent December meet with a very poor turnout, of course there will always be cancellations for various reasons and I can sort of factor a percentage in. However this is not my wood I just run the meets, I am answerable to the farmers that own it who as friends have allowed me to organise these meets that they may make something out of it too, of late they make very little.

So, having given this a lot of thought and having discussed this with some of the regulars, I am willing to continue with the February meet and possibly the April 'bluebell' meet to see if numbers improve. If they do not I will have to close North Wood down as a venue.

Everything else is here
Steve, I have at the last minute been able to get away to the moot which unfortunately means I do not think I will be able to get help looking after Kath so close to being away for the week.
I would dearly love to be able to come to the Bluebell meet if it is still on and will keep an eye open for updates here.
Can I ask is this one of the sort of benefits of being a full member as I cant recall ever seeing anything before?
Many thanks, Jeff
Steve, I have at the last minute been able to get away to the moot which unfortunately means I do not think I will be able to get help looking after Kath so close to being away for the week.
I would dearly love to be able to come to the Bluebell meet if it is still on and will keep an eye open for updates here.
Can I ask is this one of the sort of benefits of being a full member as I cant recall ever seeing anything before?
Many thanks, Jeff

hi Jeff and thank you for asking, I have replied in PM
Looking forward to catching up with everyone.
  1. Woodspirits 28~01
  2. Diamond Dave 28-01
  3. pieinthesky 28-01 provisional
  4. Rumpole_stiltskin 28-01 TBC
  5. Preper 28-01 TBC
  6. MikeeMiracle 29-01
  7. Hodge - 28 - 01
  8. Karl82
1. Woodspirits 28~01
2. Diamond Dave 28-01
3. pieinthesky 28-01
4. Rumpole_stiltskin 28-01 TBC
5. Preper Fri or Sat
6. MikeeMiracle 29-01
7. Hodge - 28 -01
8. Johnnyboy1971 28-01.
9. Karl82
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Just a heads up, I will be going down to North Wood this weekend to assess any damage caused by the recent storms. as you will be aware there is no insurance in place for attendees to our meets, so with that in mind I will be keeping a very close eye on the local weather forecasts throughout the week and will update where necessary.
Hoping to be able to come friday evening now though it might still be saturday morning. Managed to find a size 3 Polish Lavuu so will be trying that out at the meet.

I have set myself a target of learning fire by friction this year, does anyone have experience of a bow drill that might be able to give me some real world guidance / pointers?
I'll will see if I still have my bow drill in the shed if not we can have a chat most of the regular crew have done it so plenty people to chat to about it.
I'd like to give bow drill a try.

I'm ill it the moment. Still just about ok to turn up at work. So 50/50 at present if I will attend. See which way this cold goes.

Hopefully we can work on getting rid of that unsightly wood pile and burn some steak on a lot of embers.
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I had a look around NW yesterday to assess for damage or hazards following the recent storms and high winds, no real issues.The forecast for the meet is wet and blustery, nothing too bad.

However the parking field is saturated, we will be unable to use it. Instead I suggest you offload you’re gear on the path at the farm end of the wood, and return your vehicle to the parking area by the toilet block.
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Ok folks is this the final list? Update where necessary please.

1. Woodspirits 29~01
2. Diamond Dave 28-01
3. pieinthesky 28-01
4. Rumpole_stiltskin 28-01 TBC
5. Preper Fri or Sat
6. MikeeMiracle 29-01
7. Hodge - 28 -01
8. Johnnyboy1971 28-01.
9. Karl82
  1. NewOk folks is this the final list? Update where necessary please.

    1. Woodspirits 29~01
    2. Diamond Dave 29 - 01
    3. pieinthesky 28 -01
    4. Rumpole_stiltskin 28-01 TBC
    5. Preper Fri or Sat
    6. MikeeMiracle 29-01
    7. Hodge - 28 -01
    8. Johnnyboy1971 28-01.
    9. Karl82


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.