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1. woodspirits 23~25
2. BJJJ 23 - 25 Poss Thursday
3. TinkyPete 22-25
4. MartinK9 22 - 25 Thurs PM
5. Karl83 23-25
6. NLW 23-25 Poss Thurs
7.Ken M 23 -25
8. Rumpole_Stiltskin fri-sun (TBC work)
9. Preper 23-25 TBC
10. Oweneagle 23-25
11, Twodogs 24/25
12. MJM1 (AKA Mike the mozzie magnet) 23-25
13. Woodland scout 23 - 25
Able to make the extra day, time booked off work for good behaviour. This weekend I was teaching guys survival fires and shelters at work. they enjoyed it, will probably leave some of the stuff in the car so people can have a play over the weekend with some different fire methods and shelter kit. Will add some stuff for the car boot sale as normal as well. I am trying out some of my new stuff that I got at the bushcraft show as well, with a bit of relaxing as well thrown in.