North Wood February 2014 Pictures (lots of em!)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 24, 2009
West Midlands UK
what a fine meet, very relaxed with a real community feel. :)

Mark (preper) volunteered to provide a communal meal on Saturday evening, this was to be a game stew with various birds and veg. this was soon polished off by the hungry hordes! alongside this was freshly baked bread by Sally (turbogirl) delicious. :)

it was decided that we would create a new and 3rd communal area to rotate between. we spent a few hours clearing all the self seeded scrub and thinned out the area to accommodate not only our new parachute but allowing plenty of pitches.

the whole of this ancient woodland is an absolute carpet of bluebells around April / May and it will be a joy to camp amongst it.:)

to round the Saturday evening off, a few of our younger members gave us a rendition of various assorted tune ups with drum guitar and flute. (just kidding lads) it was well received by all and was a welcome break from knives, scales and other kit chat! :D

anyhow enough waffle, here's a few (I lie) pics. wood feb 2014
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Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
I know the feeling we have a 10 acre wood , and only really use a 1/4 of it, so we are now looking to open new areas but will keep the communal area in the same place.

This should allow those that want the quite camp, and familes to camp at the same time :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
I'm going to lash a couple of mine on here, they're mostly for the Woodland Trust facebook page :)

The moats weren't as full as I was expecting but I did amaze myself at not falling in as it was just behind my pitch!

Rev taking a well earned standing break

Walking round with Darren on Sunday morning was a really informative break from the norm- he thinks this birch is around 30yrs on an oak trunk.

I think he refered to this folding as 'cat face'... the hole in the trunk was amazingly deep and long.

Turkey tail, a highly medicinal polypore taken as a decoction and very decorative. It seems quite common here in Leicestershire too, it sprouts on my woodpile regularly :)

Darren puts our beautiful yew at about 300yrs and mentioned that its rare to such an uncluttered, fine trunk. No, you can't have it for bow staves.... ;)

It was a wonderful mix of companionship, good food and the usual laugh and craic at Northwood meets, much gratitude to Steve for organising, Prep for the smashing stew and all my workparty colleagues, as well as the fine folk who make it such a great site to chill and chat :) Catch you all again at the bluebell meet!

I do wish I'd seen K9 doing Spiderman though.... That would have deserved a full video :D
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Apr 12, 2008
Was a great meet thanks for organising steve! Thanks again to the two chefs! Stew and bread was beautiful! Cant believe Bills flute wouldnt play under pressure! We were literally playing for 10 mins before we came down! Typical!

Anyway, still thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! :)



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.