North: Adventures in the Frozen Wild by Nicolas Vanier


I don't normally do book reviews but I have just finished reading North: Adventures in the Frozen Wild by Nicolas Vanier and have been surprised that this book is not better known.

It is written by a Frenchman who has set his heart on travelling in the wild places of the Northern World.

It's mostly what you call a coffee table book, large format, mostly pictures reminiscent of the type you would find in National Geographic with captions and small sections of text interspersed.

What makes it more relevant to our interests is the side notes to many of the expeditions which contain tips and tricks that I have seen rarely or in some cases nowhere else.

The pictures themselves contain a wealth of ideas and information too.

I tend to read books in the hope of coming away with a snatch of inspiration or an occasional new idea. I can confidently say this book has given me several of each and I would recommend it highly.


Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
I fully agree!

I loved this book, ever since I first read it and I still do.

I got the moccasin-idea from this one, too.


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