Night vision scope.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2006
Hello all,

I was in a very respectable shop in town today and they are selling a night vision scope for £199, It looks good quality but for that price I would like to know if any of you guys have got or used a shop bought night vision scope as the only ones I have ever used have been military ones.

Are they generally of good quality? I think the one I saw was of the passive night vision type.
I'm sorry I can't tell you off hand what the make is because to be honest it was just a passing glance that I had but after reading the thread ref monculars or binoculars I got to thinking.
I would like to be able to have a look around of a night time in the woodland and fields when on a camp or bushmoot as this is normally the time when wildlife is most active.

So if anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate the info!:)
Greg said:
I would like to be able to have a look around of a night time in the woodland and fields when on a camp or bushmoot as this is normally the time when wildlife is most active.

So if anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate the info!:)

Well bud, I've used a variety of scopes and binoculars ranging from 0 gen-4 gen tubes

I own a set of psv goggles 3rd gen. From basic russion tubes to Maxi Kites to PSV's to thermal sights. Now the very best accessable night vision on the market that is available to everyone and gives a better image quality than 0-3rd gen intensifiers are camcorders with a 0 lux rating or an elctronic night vision viewr based on the same principle as the cam corder. If you have access to one buy an infrared filter for a good torch and you will be able to watch everything more clearly than most passive military image intensifiers. I have spent hundreds of hours watching and studying and recording mammals at night and you really need a cam corder with maginification if you intend to follow your target species and observe it in any meaningful manner-eg id the sex and record what it's interactions are with it's own species aswell as gen observations. (If you are stuck for a filter I may be able to give you one ;) )

Please please do not buy a cheap image intensifier less than 2nd gen as the tube is in perpetual deteriation and eventually depending on exposure to light, will expire to a blurry almost useless image.

If you really want to do it on the cheap buy a shooting lamp and use a red filter-most animals do not respond to red light although they do "see it".


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