New Year, New permissions (Hopefully)


Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
Seven years ago when I first arrived in Carmarthen I posted an advert on the notice board of the local vets saying 'Bushcraft Enthusiast Looking For Friendly Farmer' and the the response was good. The trick is to find a practice that deals with farm animals & horses. Sadly now with the ravages of time many of those friends have retired, sold up or recieved an offer they couldn't refuse from developers and adjoining mega farms.

Now with the last of my official haunts living on borrowed time once again I must embrace my fear and remember to smile as I walk into an unfamiliar farmyard. Along with allways remove head covering, don't pet their dog, beware of the cats on a dairy farm, take boots off if invited inside, leave backpack outside, tea is a safer bet than the coffee..

Anyhow.This time I've tried trying something a little different and put pretty much the same request on a Yahoo message board. This particular one caters for those odd requests and annoucements that don't quite meet the requirements of the local Freecycle group such as church coffee mornings, foster a cat etc. However buried amongst these were occasional interesting pleas for folk with tractor spares, scythes and hedge layers. Not a big membership but was getting a rural sort of vibe and I figured it may be worth a try.

Initial results are really encouraging with several farms & small-holders getting in touch though I swear a couple of them read the word 'bushcraft' and thought oooh free hedge trimming.
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Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
First introduction has gone well though Pat is probably going to sell the place in 18 months or so from now because of nasty fall.

Your welcome to use the lower field.. it's got a few brambles

The photo doesn't do these justice, they're waist deep!

but here's a nice spot down by the big oak

I can work with this, it's flat-ish and I can even see some grass

near the stream

Oh Yes!
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A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Just out of interest, why would you need to beware of the cats on a dairy farm, as opposed to farm cats in general?

Well done on the initiativeto get somewhere, and the points you make are very valid and really amount to thoughtfulness and common courtesy, there are many who could take note! (Not here, of course :) )


Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
Well it could be just me but older dairy farms seem to have far more of them about the place and they're more likely to be truely feral critters.

Hard trek today despite only carrying the bimble pack because of the snow & ice covering just shy of 14 miles as I followed up two more hopefull sites between Llanllawddog and Brechfa. I know it's insane but it's an endearing form of madness that never fails to impress when you turn up someplace way out in the sticks bang on time for the appointment.

Jane's Dingle

Comfortable arrangement secured! They provide the brushcutter and I spend a few hours each visit keeping brambles at bay and footpaths to the forest clear. Couple of reasonably flat spots for ground dwellers such as myself, plenty of deadwood and running water. Only downside is that it may be a midge haven come summer.

Jillie's Acres
Was pressed for time to explore today but had long productive chat. May be interested in permitting small groups and a semi-permanent camp over summer in return for cataloging the hedgerow plants and some spade work planting saplings. Shall be returning for a two day stay and a good look around as soon as weather improves.
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Trekking Troubador
Jan 12, 2014
Hi Bishop, I am also looking for some new places to camp, I live in Swansea and I am struggling to find anywhere to get out, you have got and used some brilliant ideas on how to find friendly land owners, I will try some of your methods, thanks for posting Kaizer


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.