new guy from the Manchester area....just to say hello

Jan 31, 2012
South Manchester
Hi to everyone, I’m from south Manchester (aged 47) and I came across the site while looking at wild camping stuff on Google, I have always been into the outdoors, I did the whole cubs, scouts, venture scouts thing then spent my younger years in HM Forces including several years with the RAF Mountain Rescue Service so I’m no stranger to the Great British countryside or the Great British weather. In the past I have mostly been involved in long distance hill walking/mountaineering stuff with plenty of cold wet nights spent in a bivvy bag under the stars, then three years ago had a massive motorbike crash which pretty much meant the end of anything physical for a while….. I managed to break by leg in three places plus a dislocated fracture of my foot and a fractured ankle ooooch, I’m still having physio, still waiting for compensation and still not back to full strength but gradually getting there, done a few days of decent walking down in Wales and up in the lakes but nothing like I used to do…. so I was looking for something a little less physical but still challenging, still in the great outdoors, still fun and with some good company etc …. think I may have just found it… I’m getting some kit together, already got a fair bit of basic stuff so now just need some were to go ! and someone to go with ! would love to hear from anyone in the Manchester area or further afield who could give any advice, help, support, info etc and especially info on any meets in the local area that I could attend, looking forward to getting to know you all, Cheers Martin


Jan 3, 2012
Manchester, England
Welcome mate, I'm from North Manchester..

There is a group on here called 'Greater Manchester Bushcraft Group' and there is a meet on soon up @ Giant's Seat Wood, check the posts out in 'Meet-Up's and social chatter' section.

Take it easy mate, look forward to speaking to you,



May 21, 2011
Manchester, UK
hey Martin,

welcome to the forum, myself and a few others are south mcr too. as others have said, the Giants Seat weekend is shaping up to be a good one - get along if you can. if you go on there is a Manchester Hiking and Cycling group that has done a few good walks & rides. or just arrange something via this forum.
Jan 31, 2012
South Manchester
Cheers Danny, thanks for the welcome and the info, I will try and get up to Giant's seat, just got to get the Sunday of work but should be ok, do I need to register or book with someone! not sure how it all works ! any help appreciated.....looking forward to meeting you all soon,

Welcome mate, I'm from North Manchester..

There is a group on here called 'Greater Manchester Bushcraft Group' and there is a meet on soon up @ Giant's Seat Wood, check the posts out in 'Meet-Up's and social chatter' section.

Take it easy mate, look forward to speaking to you,

Jan 31, 2012
South Manchester
thanks for the welcome and the info, will check it out, hoping to get to Giant's seat so hopefully get to meet you there

cheers Martin
hey Martin,

welcome to the forum, myself and a few others are south mcr too. as others have said, the Giants Seat weekend is shaping up to be a good one - get along if you can. if you go on there is a Manchester Hiking and Cycling group that has done a few good walks & rides. or just arrange something via this forum.


Oct 27, 2009
hello martin im from new mills near stockport and have been on quite a few meets off here and met a great bunch of folk , giants seat sounds like a good meet will be going to that in a couple of weeks. welcome to the site .


Full Member
May 17, 2010
Manchester, England
Howdo and welcome fella

glad you are going to get to Giants Seat unfortunately I won't be able to make it as i'm working but will hopefully catch up with you soon

Whereabouts in South Manchester are you?



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