My first axe mask


Brancho was kind enough to send me some leather and a basic kit to try my hand at making a leather axe mask...he took pity on me on Escouts when I mentioned I'd look for a charity shop handbag to fashion something out of! :D

After much measuring and not a little procrastination I set about the task...and my appreciation of those that have chosen this path has grown. I wondered where I’d find a decent popper to buy so I went to a Saddlery shop in town and spoke to the guy who does the leatherwork about it...he offered to put one on for me and it was a real education to talk to someone who's done it for more years than I've lived.


The finished article. The chap told me a slightly unusual way to remove some excess leather from the front of the mask. I said I’d post it on here but he said not to do that so's to keep it special…so I won’t! :nana: Do you now what? He even did that for me.

It was great to talk to an ‘old school’ craftsman who started in the shoe business in his mid teens, moved to leatherwork and has *cough, cough* years behind him.


And the back. I used artificial sinew to pull it together. And do you know the best bit? The chap said it was a really good first time effort, that was very satisfying. I asked him if he would ever consider selling leather on the website, he said they only usually get strips in (for bridles etc) and that he hasn’t sold a saddle for ages…too many cheap plastic ones around. :(

Their website is everything from Opinels to Barbour coats. Thanks again Brancho for the kit!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Whitehaven Cumbria
You can be very pleased with that as a first in leatherwork that agreat job. Especially with the limited stuff I sent you.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.