Mushroom identification assistance?

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I'm new to the boards, but hope to spend more time around here. I know I'm from Canada but there should still be lots I can learn. :)

Anyways, we've been into edible weeds/plants for many years now, but only very recently more interested in mushrooms. We're *VERY* cautious with edibles.

That being said, we found these growing under various evergreen needles in our yard; a bunch of them pushing up through the soil here in Kelowna, BC, Canada. I'm just curious if anyone might be able to help ID them! i'm having a tough time getting down to exactly what they might be, not that I'm sure they'd be out your way as well.

No spore print yet, but they seem to start off white, round and with some scaling on the top that gets browner with age.

I thought maybe they were close to some kind of Parasol mushroom but I might just be grasping at straws. Seem to have a single veil on the relatively thick and mostly smooth stem; they don't seem to bruise any specific color other than a bit darker tan/brownish. They get pretty flat when mature and the gills seem somewhat pinkish.

Link to photos!

Any thoughts? I've sort of given up on them being an edible from what we can clearly identify, but we're still very curious! There are a whole bunch of them coming up around the roots of these cypress trees and among the pine needles.

Anyways, hello, and I hope I find lots around here that I can learn! What a lovely site so far.
All the best;
Hello from another newbie to the site. Yes, lots to learn on here. Nice bunch of people too from what I've seen so far.

Can't help you with the mushroom ID, but glad to hear you're being wary. I'm fortunate in that I dislike any and all mushrooms, so I simply avoid them all. I'm much better at recognising a good steak, or a bacon sandwich. :-)

Anyway, just wanted to say 'hello' and hope to hear about the Canadian angle on UK bushcraft. Cheers.
Hello -- and thanks!

Actually, I don't know how we missed it last night (tired after a long day, maybe, or too dark out!), but they have white gills in the young ones and stain quite yellow if the cap or base is scratched, so we think that it's likely Agaricus xanthodermus, which is apparently a cousin of the button mushroom in stores, and the edible meadow mushroom, but this yellow-staining version makes you lose your lunch. I took a spore print anyways for fun and it's chocolate brown.

Yea, it's nice to have other people interested in this kind of thing! I'll try and give some useful information on more of the things I'm a bit more savvy about and maybe if anybody heads out this way we can be of some use! :) Interested to see how applicable the information is across continents. :)
I've looked at all the gallery, it says private, but it isn't. Furry animal art and pics the OP maybe doesn't want on a public forum? Nothing out of order, but maybe the mods might break the link?
It's the sub-album called Mushrooms is private. Do the following to unhide it:

Open Photobucket on the web, click LIBRARY at the top of the page. Click on the MUSHROOMS sub-album. Click EDIT SETTINGS on the right hand side and change the privacy setting to PUBLIC. Click UPDATE.

I'm new to the boards, but hope to spend more time around here. I know I'm from Canada but there should still be lots I can learn. :)

Anyways, we've been into edible weeds/plants for many years now, but only very recently more interested in mushrooms. We're *VERY* cautious with edibles.

That being said, we found these growing under various evergreen needles in our yard; a bunch of them pushing up through the soil here in Kelowna, BC, Canada. I'm just curious if anyone might be able to help ID them! i'm having a tough time getting down to exactly what they might be, not that I'm sure they'd be out your way as well.

No spore print yet, but they seem to start off white, round and with some scaling on the top that gets browner with age.

I thought maybe they were close to some kind of Parasol mushroom but I might just be grasping at straws. Seem to have a single veil on the relatively thick and mostly smooth stem; they don't seem to bruise any specific color other than a bit darker tan/brownish. They get pretty flat when mature and the gills seem somewhat pinkish.

Link to photos!

Any thoughts? I've sort of given up on them being an edible from what we can clearly identify, but we're still very curious! There are a whole bunch of them coming up around the roots of these cypress trees and among the pine needles.

Anyways, hello, and I hope I find lots around here that I can learn! What a lovely site so far.
All the best;

I can't access your photobucket picture. Says it is private.


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