More new animals for me!

Yorkshire Boy

Jan 30, 2007
This afternoon I went fishing at my local river.

I stayed for 4 hours.

I caught 5 carp, the biggest was about 15lb.
I used a bubble float and bread.
I'm really glad I brought my spinning rod from England with me.
Greys Greyflex, 9ft 3pce, I used 20lb fireline and a 16lb mono leader.
Those carp pulled hard, there's no way I could've got them in on my ultra light Japanese rod.

Anyway, looking down from a bridge I saw a snapping turtle.
It was too big to be one of the terrapins that live along the river..
It had big feet and a mean look about it.
I tried to take some pictures but you can't make anything out.

A bit later I saw a snake swimming across the river.
I did manage to take a picture of that though.
It looked to be getting on for 3 foot long!
I don't know what type of snake it was. I'll try to find out.

I think I've been lucky to see these things.
But when fishing, even in the UK, you do see some lovely things.

When I figure out how, I'll post all my pictures.

Best regards,


Full Member
Sep 29, 2006
It is possible the turtle was an Alligator Snapper as they are fast becoming the latest trend pet to outgrow their irresponsible owners :cussing: however the Red Eared Sliders typically released following the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle craze a good few years ago have reached enormous proportions, with some having grown to the size of dustbin lids :eek: . The Snapper poses a real threat as they are fierce ambush predators and can make a serious dent in a concentrated fish population and are also incredibly aggresive when handled.

Yorkshire Boy

Jan 30, 2007
Thank you Silverback,

I checked those out on Google images.

What I thought were terrapins are infact those red eared sliders.
They are all over the place.

Maybe it was a giant one of those.

It had really big feet though.
I'm sure I'm wrong, but it looked heavier and meaner than those others.

I'll go back next Monday and throw in some meat from the bridge.
I'll use some dog/cat food.

Interestingly, there are no little fish in the river.
I couldn't see many minnows.
And the shoal of carp contained only fish over 4lb.

I also saw some wonderful butterflies.

I love seeing all the different plants and animals.
I'm here for my lass.
But all this other stuff feeds my soul when I can't see her.



Aug 28, 2005
No my friend it sounds like it was one of those snapping turtles that some genius released into the wild in Japan a few years ago. Bad news, don't touch!
Great snakes in Japan, are you fishing in the yanesegawa or tamagawa?

Yorkshire Boy

Jan 30, 2007
Hello Jerv, I think it's the Yanasigawa.

I'm going to keep fishing there.
I know that if I do plenty of walking I'll catch a monster carp.
I just bought a bigger net, but I really need a UK sized one.

Are those snakes poisonous?

I have to say I have felt a little concerned wandering about in the long grass!

I don't want to leger any luncheon meat incase I hook one of those big turtles.
What a nightmare to get the hook out.
Mind you it would probably bite through the line, or the hook. Lol.

I find it amazing all the different stuff I keep seeing.



Full Member
Sep 29, 2006
If it is a snapper john and you are unfortunate enough to hook one cut the line immediately it will happily bite through the line and is more than capable of taking your finger off at the knuckle as well. I slightly misread and thought you were talking about the UK as opposed to Japan :rolleyes:


Aug 28, 2005
some of the snakes are poisnous but no more than an adder.Nothing much can harm you in shiki.:) There is a really poisnous snake on okinawa.
you can buy a book on snakes from the bookstore above the station.

Yorkshire Boy

Jan 30, 2007
Once again thanks guys, especially jerv.
I've been fishing in Shiki where the Yanasigawa and another river join.
It's about the same size as the river wharfe in Boston Spa.
Except it's not as clean.

I told my students about what I saw.

When I showed the picture of the snake and asked them what it was,
a few of them said "Nessie"! They had no idea, very funny.

Some of the more enlightened ones told me about the alien species that are messing up the eco system.

Alligators have even been found in some of the rivers!

They told me to notify the police about the snapper turtle!

Back in Leeds during the summer I would wet wade.
A pair of old trainers and a pair of combat trousers.
I don't think I'll be doing that in the Yanasigawa.

It's a bit different to river fishing back home.

I'll keep you posted on any other sightings.

All the best, JC.


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