Monthly Meet at Suffolk

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
This was a 3 night meet which was a Quite one with 4 of us in the end, we got loads done, and we gave Dylan, a new guy loads of help, I made a Mask for the group axe and helved two axes that I had cleaned up, made a smoker and smoked some Beef, that went well , but learnt a lot doing it.

Loads of other things caved a Holly Spoon, and started an Ash bread board, did some wood processing, did some of the housekeeping things around the Shelter, put all the sides on so they could just be dropped when needed.

Colin demonstrated Flint and Steel fire lighting with Natural Tinder, an Ideal time for me to make some more Charcloth, to show Dylan how to do it.

Showed Dylan how to sharpen his knife to get a really good edge, with little cost using Wet and Dry and a Home made leather strop.

My Pitch

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A simple Leather Mask for the Group Hand Axe

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Smoking some beef

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Start of a Bread Board, Some helveing, the finished Axes a Chip Chop No. 1 and a Brades, and the Holly Spoon.

Flint & Steel with Natural Tinder

It was a wet one with loads of mud, but that was made up with all that happened, and the company.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.